Have you been a member here for 7 years, and you still do not know that you should go to the TDs?
NASA´s not hiring atm, but enjoy your best ok bags.... LazyThere is always somebody everywhere willing and eager to help, because....right....we all are dumb asses. Have you given a thought to the idea of working for NASA ?, with people like you human race could reach Mars and beyond. Jezz...
Aren't TDs for watches and not bags as OP mentioned?
NASA´s not hiring atm, but enjoy your best ok bags.... Lazy
Several of the TDs can get all the other stuff too...like bags.
OP-- Inquire with Lucy at Truetime---------------> https://forum.replica-watch.info/vb/forumdisplay.php/370-Truetime168
She can likely get what you want at the quality level you seek.
yeah, ... have you thought that what you say might matter probably to nobody ?. On top of which is totally out of topic.
Stop trolling please and buy yourself a forest.