Not a Pam guy but I own a Gen America's cup Tag and these grab me for personal reasons. Same price but the V6F looks to have the embossed strap correct. Any thoughts appreciated
You are correct in saying that the V6F version has the America's Cup logo on the strap whereas the SF version doesn't. The presence of the logo on such a special edition watch is important since it sets itself apart from the other PAMs out there.
However that is not the only difference. The logo on the caseback is a bit better on the SF version, with the handle of the trophy better shaped (the taper is just slightly more pronounced). The V6F is using a properly decorated P.9010 clone, while SF is using a P.9010 with the same functions as the gen P.9000 movement, whichever is more important is up to you. Millesimation on the SF is also wrong as it is an S-series which denotes 2016.The V6F is using T which is correct for 2017.
So for all of those differences, I would say the V6F is a better buy, for me anyway.