Hi everyone. I've been perusing this forum for a little over a month, and recently made my first purchase through Ruby. Everything went great, I posted a dealer review in the appropriate section.
My love of replicas spans a few years now, as I frequently traveled to China previously and was able to obtain some nice (and not so nice after acquainting myself with some of the experts here) replicas. I think this forum is a hidden gem for those of us stung by the replica bug - and I think this is a place I'll be calling home for quite awhile.
The quality, information, members, and environment here are outstanding. I hope those noobs (such as myself) understand the treasure they have in this forum. I, for one, really appreciate the courtesy of members who I have already had private message conversations with - they have also been extremely helpful and made me feel quite at home.
So with that said, I'm glad to be here. However, my wallet is not as happy. It's going to be a lot lighter in the near future.
My love of replicas spans a few years now, as I frequently traveled to China previously and was able to obtain some nice (and not so nice after acquainting myself with some of the experts here) replicas. I think this forum is a hidden gem for those of us stung by the replica bug - and I think this is a place I'll be calling home for quite awhile.
The quality, information, members, and environment here are outstanding. I hope those noobs (such as myself) understand the treasure they have in this forum. I, for one, really appreciate the courtesy of members who I have already had private message conversations with - they have also been extremely helpful and made me feel quite at home.
So with that said, I'm glad to be here. However, my wallet is not as happy. It's going to be a lot lighter in the near future.