Hello, everyone
It's Mr. Wang. I used to work in the after-sales service of Swiss middle to high-end brands in China.
By chance, I helped a client refurbish a replica and found that people have high requests of replicas. Since then I have felt differently about reps, and they should be loved too. Since I have been working in watch industry for many years, maintenance has never been difficult for me. I also have a meticulous attitude to the replica watches, just like what I have to the genuine watches. I loved my watch work so much that I slowly made a name for myself.
A few months later, the friend recommended a lot of clients to modify the reps, such as polishing the bracelet, case, hands, markers and so on. This kind of work became more and more, so I quit my job and started a studio servicing replicas. It's not about how much money I make, it’s that I have more free time and I don't have to work for someone else.
That was six years ago.
Now the workload is more and more heavy due to the increasing orders, I have gradually begun to feel tired. So I've been cutting back on my orders lately. But there are still a lot of customers trust me and wait for me for a long time, I feel very honored.
I've been thinking a lot about this collaboration with Ctime. I am Clean boss’s good friend. It was him that introduced me to Ctime and they believe that there are also great demand in foreign market, but customers may be more picky than Chinese customers. We are not a standardized line production but manual finish, so the products could be a little different. Since I don’t really know the process of ordering and shipping abroad, I also need someone to do this part for me. After discussion, We have a consensus that Ctime has full authority to help me deal with business matters on my behalf.
Please note that for foreign business, I only serve Ctime, there may be some scammers in my name to get more orders.
We also sell some other factories’ substitute parts, like dials, hands and so on.
Also genuine parts, but the waiting time is long and the price is expensive.
I will update some pictures of my finished products from time to time. Follow up with a separate post on each of these businesses.
There are some of my work:
It's Mr. Wang. I used to work in the after-sales service of Swiss middle to high-end brands in China.
By chance, I helped a client refurbish a replica and found that people have high requests of replicas. Since then I have felt differently about reps, and they should be loved too. Since I have been working in watch industry for many years, maintenance has never been difficult for me. I also have a meticulous attitude to the replica watches, just like what I have to the genuine watches. I loved my watch work so much that I slowly made a name for myself.
A few months later, the friend recommended a lot of clients to modify the reps, such as polishing the bracelet, case, hands, markers and so on. This kind of work became more and more, so I quit my job and started a studio servicing replicas. It's not about how much money I make, it’s that I have more free time and I don't have to work for someone else.
That was six years ago.
Now the workload is more and more heavy due to the increasing orders, I have gradually begun to feel tired. So I've been cutting back on my orders lately. But there are still a lot of customers trust me and wait for me for a long time, I feel very honored.
I've been thinking a lot about this collaboration with Ctime. I am Clean boss’s good friend. It was him that introduced me to Ctime and they believe that there are also great demand in foreign market, but customers may be more picky than Chinese customers. We are not a standardized line production but manual finish, so the products could be a little different. Since I don’t really know the process of ordering and shipping abroad, I also need someone to do this part for me. After discussion, We have a consensus that Ctime has full authority to help me deal with business matters on my behalf.
Please note that for foreign business, I only serve Ctime, there may be some scammers in my name to get more orders.
We also sell some other factories’ substitute parts, like dials, hands and so on.
Also genuine parts, but the waiting time is long and the price is expensive.
I will update some pictures of my finished products from time to time. Follow up with a separate post on each of these businesses.
There are some of my work: