If anything comes up would you be kind enough to message me. I will return the same if I see something too.There are some really bad Lange1 replica as low quality replicas (on DHGate for example).
But you should avoid it since they have to modify the dial arrangement to fit the available cheap movements.
For this reason, it looks quite bad (besides the finish quality itself).
Sorry, I would also love to see a Lange1 or a Glasshute Panolunar with the right dial arrangement but REP factories don't have the right movement to this correctly. Even the high quality Panolunar are bad when it comes to the date size and position...
Yeah, But THAT is too good to be a REP? Or where did you get it? Thanks!
It’s a rep! It’s being sent to me from Thailand. I asked if they had anymore, since I figured others here would be interested but was told no, just the one.Yeah, But THAT is too good to be a REP? Or where did you get it? Thanks!
Notwithstanding, I'm hesitant
ScamPhotos of a datograph, but not of the actual piece. I was told that it would be made to order. Do the Chinese do that? I always thought to tool up and make they needed a minimum number.
I was told that the factory had made the Datograph and the cost would be $580.
I was cc in on another customer who had ordered a different piece as an example of the process.
Notwithstanding, I'm hesitant
If it does materialize, it won’t be anything like what you’re expecting.You should be. Doubtful a watch would ever materialize after you paid.