Alright, so this strap I have is not moving on the sales corner, so I decided to have a little fun with it, instead. I have a "dust brown" nylon/velcro strap from HKTan. So, post up your favorite shot of one of your PAMs (either on the wrist or off, makes no difference) and on Friday, I will pick the winner.
The winner is solely based on my opinion, and I'm no photography critic. You don't like it? Tough. :lol: 8)
Alright, peoples, post 'em up. Let's see what ya got...
Here is the strap to be given away:
The winner is solely based on my opinion, and I'm no photography critic. You don't like it? Tough. :lol: 8)
Alright, peoples, post 'em up. Let's see what ya got...
Here is the strap to be given away: