So I’m building a vintage 5513 budget.
I’ve done plenty of reading and built one of these years ago with the mbw case and a gen dial.
This time I’m going budget, so I’ve ordered a cartel 2813, helenrou dial (non vintaged), sternkreuz t19 (x2) and a cheap set of miyota Mercedes hands.
So my questions that I haven’t been able to locate the answers to:
1. Do any of the eta hands fit on the 2813 movement?
2. Best way to ever so slightly age the dial and hands, (im looking for ever so gently off white not yellow! )?
3. 702 crown and tube - athaya is out of stock and charging ridiculous postage costs to Uk, any other options or just stick with the cartel?
4. What’s a decent bezel option?
Help and advice greatly appreciated.
Here’s a reference image of what I’m aiming for
Standard Helenrou dial image
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I’ve done plenty of reading and built one of these years ago with the mbw case and a gen dial.
This time I’m going budget, so I’ve ordered a cartel 2813, helenrou dial (non vintaged), sternkreuz t19 (x2) and a cheap set of miyota Mercedes hands.
So my questions that I haven’t been able to locate the answers to:
1. Do any of the eta hands fit on the 2813 movement?
2. Best way to ever so slightly age the dial and hands, (im looking for ever so gently off white not yellow! )?
3. 702 crown and tube - athaya is out of stock and charging ridiculous postage costs to Uk, any other options or just stick with the cartel?
4. What’s a decent bezel option?
Help and advice greatly appreciated.
Here’s a reference image of what I’m aiming for
Standard Helenrou dial image
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