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4th Gen Planet Ocean from aspire, anyone used them before?

bam rock

You're Saying I Can Sell?
Aspire is selling the PO for 159$ shipped on his site. Now he doesn't accept paypal which is HUGE for me and is really holding me back but say you do go ahead and use western union and pay the fees it bumps it up to roughly 180-190. That is still 100$ less than other people. I don't understand how he can afford to sell it for that much cheaper. Anyone think an all-around price drop is on the horizon? Also has anyone used aspire before? I've read some stuff that maybe it wasn't the best place to get a watch and some people had to wait a REALLY long time. I heard all the order's went through though to their credit but correct me if I'm wrong. I just really wish they took paypal. I'm really trying to hold off for the 45mm ETA but I haven't heard about one coming soon yet. Anyone have any opinions on whether I should jump on this?


Mythical Poster
Re: 4th Gen Planet Ocean from aspire, anyone used them befor

bam rock said:
I'm really trying to hold off for the 45mm ETA but I haven't heard about one coming soon yet.
Patience, Young Jedi ...

I believe the 45mm ETA is just around the corner.

bam rock

You're Saying I Can Sell?
LOL pug. Young Jedi. I hope that's not a reference to Yoda providing the floatation device for your PAM water proofing test ;) I emailed Andrew and he said the 45 is NOT around the corner. But I can't imagine how it's not!!!! I'm dying for it. I might even have to go get the gen like someone else we know!!!!


Banned member, the goat does not approve
HMMM I wa considerign the same thing. I voice inside told me not to buy. i have heard some mixed things on this seller but have no first hand experience. the fact he doesn't accept Pay PAl makes me uncomfortable. He includes shipping but I doubt it is the same 3-5 day delivery you would get if you paid $ 35 or so to a Dealer on this Board. In the past I didn't listen to the voice inside me and went for the low price and got scamed. I may be wrong but the price seems too low.

Happy T

Renowned Member
Re: 4th Gen Planet Ocean from aspire, anyone used them befor

bam rock said:
I don't understand how he can afford to sell it for that much cheaper.

Haven't used their services either but have read very mixed reports as to this sites business practices. One would be prudent to approach cautiously.

I haven't looked at what they're offering but are you sure its a 4th gen? Is it the 42.5mm? That price is scary low. Something seems out of whack. Can anyone confirm we're talking the exact same 42.5mm 4th gen the others are offering?

At that price I'd pick up another one and put a black rubber strap on it for an everyday knock around and leave my SS bracelet one for dressing up.

bam rock

You're Saying I Can Sell?
Supposedly it's the same as everyone elses. BUT the fact remains that it is not Paypal and I just don't know if I want to take the gamble and lose the money. I'm sure he'd come through (well obviously not sure completely) but I'd normally like to get my own opinion about someone. Another reason to hold off is because I really do want the 45mm. I'm TRYING to hold off for that one.


You're Saying I Can Sell?
Paul seems to be cleaning up his act. In the past. If you had a problem with your watch it was difficult to get it resolved. I have ordered from him when he took paypal and got my watch. His prices are really unbeatable but I don't really like his method of payment anymore. He is the only one to have the new planet ocean (black bezel/orange bezel dial) right now and for 159.00. You wouldn't believe the mark up on reps... :cry:

The AD's don't even have this watch yet.....

bam rock

You're Saying I Can Sell?
I admit its a great price. But I really don't mind paying a little more for the security of paypal. And I'm not sure about the rest of the world but in the states I think paypal is the easiest form of payment. To not accept paypal I just think you're cutting off a lot of business opportunity. I went to the site (western union) and went all the way to the end but then I just said "what am I doing?" and stopped. After the w.u. fee, then the cash advance fee, you end up paying 50$ more. Then that "unbeatable price" is easily blown out of the window. And the worst part is it's not even going to Paul. I'd much rather pay him more money than give my bank and w.u. 50$. But that's just my .02


Active Member
Aspire already have the PO 45 mm in black.

Personally I have had only very good experiences with them.


Banned member, the goat does not approve
Aspire Crazy Sale and no Paypale etc.

I read Paul's (ASPIRE) websie and I belive he was scammed or had a falling out with a few people and lost $ threw paypal. I am not sure who is correct since i don't have the Buyers side of the story but it appears Paypal sidded with the Buyer. I have a business and have been screwed also. It is hard to get over but you become more careful. I think Paul is losing a lot of potential customers not accepting paypal. I was ready to jump on the IWC GST TITANIUM for $ 218 but the WesterUnion fees would make it still good but not super. I found a dealer who said he will take $ 215 plus $ 35 for the delivery $ 250 total and I took it. I felt $ 298 plus shipping $35 etc is too much..
I will let you know who I got it from and how the tranaction / quality of watch etc went after I get the watch and I used Paypal (safety from crooks).


You're Saying I Can Sell?
I have recently used Paul and everything worked out well. The price was right, probably a bit low, and all email questions were answered promptly. WU cost me $20, but Paul discounted the price 10%, which made up for part of the WU surcharge. Watch arrived to me in CONUS in about 8-9 days and works perfectly.


Mythical Poster
Re: Aspire Crazy Sale and no Paypale etc.

steve123456789 said:
I will let you know who I got it from and how the tranaction / quality of watch etc went after I get the watch and I used Paypal (safety from crooks).
Nice choice of watch. :D

As Cwai02 posted elsewhere, Paul's 45mm PO appears to be heavily flawed.

Happy T

Renowned Member
Re: 4th Gen Planet Ocean from aspire, anyone used them befor

Happy T said:
[quote="bam rock":3e5assy2] I don't understand how he can afford to sell it for that much cheaper.

I haven't looked at what they're offering but are you sure its a 4th gen? Is it the 42.5mm? That price is scary low. Something seems out of whack. Can anyone confirm we're talking the exact same 42.5mm 4th gen the others are offering?


Upon further comments from a few others it is not the same watch. Appears in this case you get what you pay for.

Happy T

Renowned Member
Bigshooter said:
Who is this Asspirate you speak of?

Ewwwwwww........ by the time you read the word Asspirate its too late and the vision is already there. LOL


You're Saying I Can Sell?
cwai02 said:
rocket754 said:
This one looks pretty accurate.
http://www.aspire-eshop.com/product_inf ... ts_id=1138

Is this one flawed also?

every reps have flaws.

This 42mm is actually very good. Only minor flaws like short hands, logo position, wrong logo on crown, and orange color not sharp enough.

Hmmm....I can't really tell about the length of the hands but your right. I guess I could buy a new crown but I don't know if it will even fit. I think someone has a gen dail on order so I will wait to see if everything fits right before I try to build a ultimate PO.