Does anyone have a source for a crown guard screw for a 42mm PAM? The 44mm ones don‘t fit.
P pechspils Active Member 4/9/16 350 12 0 31/5/18 #1 Does anyone have a source for a crown guard screw for a 42mm PAM? The 44mm ones don‘t fit.
Natas78 Trusted Watchmaker Vendor (Watch Repair) Patron Certified 21/8/11 4,069 2,212 113 EU 31/5/18 #2 You can alter some brass modelling screws, local model shop... Verzonden vanaf mijn iPhone met RWI
T tridad Active Member 5/11/08 283 13 18 2/6/18 #4 Also, try Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Reactions: pechspils