Can someone recommend blancpain ff 40mm please. Thin wrists.
F Fazalv Do not accept unsolicited offers 1/8/18 3 0 0 4/8/18 #1 Can someone recommend blancpain ff 40mm please. Thin wrists.
A asiparks1 Known Member 31/3/10 138 84 28 1/9/18 #3 no reps in this size yet unfortunately...In gen you have the new Ccean Commitment III or Mil-Spec or if you can find one, a 50 piece LE 2003 Anniversary version. Fingers crossed they'll release a rep of the MilSpec soon... Reactions: freediver
no reps in this size yet unfortunately...In gen you have the new Ccean Commitment III or Mil-Spec or if you can find one, a 50 piece LE 2003 Anniversary version. Fingers crossed they'll release a rep of the MilSpec soon...
j4ckyzz Getting To Know The Place 8/8/17 22 5 0 12/9/18 #4 There is the ff bathyscaphe 38mm version, which is very nice. Don't know if it is repd, personally I would have one of those.
There is the ff bathyscaphe 38mm version, which is very nice. Don't know if it is repd, personally I would have one of those.
A asiparks1 Known Member 31/3/10 138 84 28 14/9/18 #5 this is the 50th anniversary, 40mm version, one just popped up for sale....