So, what is it gonna be. At the moment I have two reps that I absolutely adore, PAM 177 noob and PAM 029 noob. I'm really stuck in this game and want to add to the collection = ) For a while I've been thinking about (and drooling over) the 312 with seagull movement but lately the 382 has been popping up as a contender for the next purchase.
Right now I'm leaning towards the 382 KW, it's seems more unique. One thing that I'm concerned about is whether it might be a bit to big for my skinny wrist (the 44 mm's fit like a glove...).
Another thing that has been pushing me towards the 382 is that the 312 might resemble my 177 to some degree regarding the dial.
What do you guys think? Is the wrist presence of the 312 much different from the 177 and could I pull of the size of the 382 (my wrist size is around 6,5 inches but it's rather "flat").
Peace out fellow PAM-addicts!
Right now I'm leaning towards the 382 KW, it's seems more unique. One thing that I'm concerned about is whether it might be a bit to big for my skinny wrist (the 44 mm's fit like a glove...).
Another thing that has been pushing me towards the 382 is that the 312 might resemble my 177 to some degree regarding the dial.
What do you guys think? Is the wrist presence of the 312 much different from the 177 and could I pull of the size of the 382 (my wrist size is around 6,5 inches but it's rather "flat").
Peace out fellow PAM-addicts!