ive sen it on two dealer sites with $100 spread. Anyone get one yet?
M mickeypro I'm Pretty Popular 29/6/06 1,056 8 0 29/1/11 #1 ive sen it on two dealer sites with $100 spread. Anyone get one yet?
A Asheron82 I'm Pretty Popular 11/6/10 2,244 297 83 30/1/11 #2 the 312 rep has much to be desired as its still a relatviely new model. i would rather pay more for the latest super-reps like the 288, 177 etc.
the 312 rep has much to be desired as its still a relatviely new model. i would rather pay more for the latest super-reps like the 288, 177 etc.
Q QinetiQ Banned member, the goat does not approve Banned 6/8/09 4,585 0 0 30/1/11 #3 I think one should be coming out very very soon so stay tuned
madcatlancelot I'm Pretty Popular 21/12/08 1,876 104 63 30/1/11 #4 yeah i saw one blog from puretime that a 312 is coming out soon. http://www.puretimewatch.com/blog/120/
yeah i saw one blog from puretime that a 312 is coming out soon. http://www.puretimewatch.com/blog/120/