I think this needs to be clarified especially for any newcomer's that are shopping for replica's. There is enough confusion already regarding movements in reps but the fact is there are still a few "white lies" being told in advertising.
We already know that Eta does not make a 2813. There is no such thing as an Asian clone of an Eta 2813. The movement is correctly called a DG 2813 22 jewels, which is entirely made in Asia. Cost about $14 or $15 dollars. Yet some dealers still advertise this movement as "Asian ETA 2813 21J"... See the watch below from a non-endorsed dealer. There is a reason why a photo of the movement is not shown.
This watch is not Eta and it is not 21 jewels.
http://www.tt88time.com/index.php?main_ ... c43c93bef7
Also in this ad it states the movement is an "Asian Eta 2813." Again, it has nothing to do with Eta.
http://www.timeshops.net/Breitling_Stee ... 6-1265.htm
This watch is advertised as an Asian Eta 2824. This is the "clone" 2824 movement.
http://www.watcheden.com/breitling-supe ... 8-p-1.html
This ad has a more accurate description of the movement. It is Asian, in fact it is the DG 2813 22 jeweled movement but it is not stated. But again it is still referred to as 21 jewel. That fact is it is 22 jewel.
http://www.watcheden.com/breitling-supe ... 8-p-1.html
I know I am spliting hairs but I feel with new members coming on board it is good to revisit some of these things from time to time. Other areas of false advertising pertain to sapphire vs. mineral crystal, but that is for another day.
Also, if anyone knows what the true designation is for the famous and often called "21 jewel" movement please feel free to list it here. My contention is that "21 jewel" has just become a name for any simple rep movement that is non-Eta.
We already know that Eta does not make a 2813. There is no such thing as an Asian clone of an Eta 2813. The movement is correctly called a DG 2813 22 jewels, which is entirely made in Asia. Cost about $14 or $15 dollars. Yet some dealers still advertise this movement as "Asian ETA 2813 21J"... See the watch below from a non-endorsed dealer. There is a reason why a photo of the movement is not shown.
This watch is not Eta and it is not 21 jewels.
http://www.tt88time.com/index.php?main_ ... c43c93bef7
Also in this ad it states the movement is an "Asian Eta 2813." Again, it has nothing to do with Eta.
http://www.timeshops.net/Breitling_Stee ... 6-1265.htm
This watch is advertised as an Asian Eta 2824. This is the "clone" 2824 movement.
http://www.watcheden.com/breitling-supe ... 8-p-1.html
This ad has a more accurate description of the movement. It is Asian, in fact it is the DG 2813 22 jeweled movement but it is not stated. But again it is still referred to as 21 jewel. That fact is it is 22 jewel.
http://www.watcheden.com/breitling-supe ... 8-p-1.html
I know I am spliting hairs but I feel with new members coming on board it is good to revisit some of these things from time to time. Other areas of false advertising pertain to sapphire vs. mineral crystal, but that is for another day.
Also, if anyone knows what the true designation is for the famous and often called "21 jewel" movement please feel free to list it here. My contention is that "21 jewel" has just become a name for any simple rep movement that is non-Eta.