- About
- Goyard Wallets
- Location
- UK
- Willing to Ship to?
- Worldwide
- High Value Above $750
- No
- Accepted Payment Methods?
- Piece Origin?
- Don’t recall
- Why Are You Selling?
- Not used
- Asking Price?
- £40 each
- Currency Accepted?
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- Free U.K. / WW ASK
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- Yes
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- Yes
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- Yes
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- Yes
Two really nice Goyard wallets the yellow one is brand-new and boxed the black and tan one is very likely used. I can’t remember where they came from but they were good quality at the time.
8 slots for credit cards and 2 for notes
I’d like £40 each
Shipping in the UK included worldwide, please ask happy to ship anyway
Any questions fire away
8 slots for credit cards and 2 for notes
I’d like £40 each
Shipping in the UK included worldwide, please ask happy to ship anyway
Any questions fire away