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13 People Who Got Fired For Tweeting
Love it or hate it, Twitter is a powerful Internet tool that's here to stay. But some people fail to realize its power. Twitter will broadcast your bursts of thought to anyone who cares to read them. Sometimes this has some significantly negative repercussions.
In the case of the following 13 people, their tweets literally cost them their jobs.
Learn from their mistakes, and think twice before you tweet!
Don't tweet bad things about your potential employer

Connor Riley
Image: MSNBC
Connor Riley had a job offer from Cisco on the table. She tweeted: “Cisco just offered me a job! Now I have to weigh the utility of a fatty paycheck against the daily commute to San Jose and hating the work.†Shortly after that, there was a reply from Cisco employee Tim Levad: “Who is the hiring manager? I’m sure they would love to know that you will hate the work. We here at Cisco are versed in the Web.â€
Sexual assault is never funny

Nir Rosen
Image: MediaBistro
Nir Rosen was a Law Fellow at New York University until he tweeted some astonishing remarks about Lara Logan's sexual assault. The string of insensitive tweeting began with "Lara Logan had to outdo Anderson. Where was her buddy McCrystal." He was soon apologizing profusely and resigned from his fellowship the next day.
Fired for insensitive jokes about Japan

Gilbert Gottfried
Comedian Gilbert Gottfried, voice of the Aflac duck, made some jokes about the Japanese tsunami over Twitter. He said, "Japan is really advanced. They don't go to the beach. The beach comes to them." Aflac is the largest insurance company in Japan. Gottfried was fired.
Fired for leaking spoilers about her TV show

Nicole Crowther
Image: Glee Fans Mexico
Nicole Crowther was a recurring extra on Glee until she tweeted some plot spoilers she had heard on set. She was more or less fired via Twitter by the show's producer, Brad Falchuk, who tweeted in response: "Hope you're qualified to do something besides work in entertainment."
He thought he was tweeting from his personal account

Scott Bartosiewicz
Image: College Car Guide
Scott Bartosiewicz was a social media strategist for New Media Strategies. Thinking he was signed into his own account, he accidentally tweeted the following from the corporate Twitter account for Chrysler: "I find it ironic that Detroit is known as the #motorcity and yet no one here knows how to f*cking drive."
Bartosiewicz was fired and Chrysler didn't renew its contract with New Media Strategies.
Keep your opinions on hot topics to yourself

Damian Goddard
Image: QPicture
Toronto-based sportscaster Damian Goddard was fired for tweeting his opinion on same-sex marriage. Hockey agent Todd Reynolds had criticized Rangers forward Sean Avery for publicly supporting the cause. Tweeted Goddard, "I completely and wholeheartedly support Todd Reynolds and his support for the traditional and TRUE meaning of marriage."
This cricket cheerleader spoke out and got shut down

Gabriella Pasqualotto
Image: Hindustan Times
Gabriella Pasqualotto was a cheerleader for cricket teams in the Indian Premier League until she started sharing details about what it was like online. She revealed loads of details about how some cricketers treat their cheerleaders, and it wasn't flattering. She was fired.
The baseball manager lost his cool offline, then lost it online

Ozzie Guillen (right)
Image: Urban Daily
Ozzie Guillen, manager for the Chicago White Sox, got ejected from a baseball game and immediately started tweeting about it. He called the ejection "pathetic" and said the umpire was a "tough guy." The tweets got him suspended him for two games.
This football player wanted to hear "the other side" of the story of bin Laden's death

Rashard Mendenhall
Image: AP Images
Here's what Steelers running back Rashard Mendenhall had to say about Osama bin Laden's death on his Twitter account: “What kind of person celebrates death? It's amazing how people can HATE a man they have never even heard speak. We've only heard one side...†The Steelers are distancing themselves from his remarks and figuring out how to proceed.
Don't empathize with bombers

Octavia Nasr
Image: Huffington Post
CNN fired its senior editor Octavia Nasr over her tweet proclaiming respect for the deceased Grand Ayatollah Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah. This is especially troublesome considering that the AP called Fadlallah "staunchly anti-American and linked to bombings that killed more than 260 Americans." She apologized, but it didn't matter.
Mess with celebrities and they'll fight back

Jon-Barrett Ingels
Image: IMDB
Jane Adams, star of HBO's Hung, skipped out on her $13.44 bill for restaurant check. When her server, Jon-Barrett Ingels, tweeted about it, her agent came back the next day to pay it. Ingels tweeted again about the lack of a tip, so Adams herself came back a month later to give a $3 tip. She complained to management and Ingels was fired!
This joke cost a comedian her job

Catherine Deveny
Image: Huffington Post
Australian comedian Catherine Deveny lost her job writing for Melbourne newspaper The Age when she tweeted that she hopes Steve Irwin's daughter gets laid. Her boss, editor Paul Ramadge, said, "We are appreciative of the columns Catherine has written for The Age over several years but the views she has expressed recently on Twitter are not in keeping with the standards we set at The Age."
Racist tweets are always offensive.

Mike Bacsik
Image: The Sporting Blog
Former MLB pitcher Mike Bacsik lost his gig as a radio producer after getting drunk and tweeting some racially-loaded comments during a Mavericks-Spurs game. The game didn't exactly go his way and he had some pretty unpopular things to say afterward.
Forgot to add the source: http://www.businessinsider.com/twitter-fired-2011-5?op=1
They also have an article on ppl who lost their job because of facebook