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Hello old friends, I need your help !


Mythical Poster
hm I should have asked this before:

If I signed this.. is it a legal document?

I'm fairly certain it was just to allow him to run a background check on me / credit report.

No info about the apartment or him on it, just info about me.


Yes, it's a legal document, but no, it's not a lease agreement.

The short and simple answer to this is, if you were on a month to month basis, he only has a right to keep the rent for the time that you accrue. No damage deposit and no last months rent, assuming you didn't damage anything beyond normal wear and tear.

You would be best having him apply your last months rent that you gave him in advance to the last month you stay there. Otherwise you are just giving him more leverage to screw you with. From the sound of it, this guy gets off on screwing college kids, and not in a good way. You will probably have to take him to small claims court anyway. Be prepared for that but don't let it scare you. It's a simple process that is geared to the non professional.

The site I listed above has got a treasure trove of information you need to look at. Here's another pllicable page:
Get Your Security Deposit Back

Don't let your landlord stiff you -- know the law.
Most states hold landlords to strict guidelines as to when and how to return security deposits. Landlords who violate these laws can be held to stiff penalties.
Wear and Tear

The general rule is that you are not responsible for normal wear and tear. For example, if the dishwasher must be replaced because it has simply worn out, that's the landlord's responsibility.
If you or your guest cause damage by your unreasonable carelessness or deliberate misuse, however, you must pay for it. The cost of replacing the dining room carpet because your fish tank sprang a leak will properly come out of the deposit. You must leave a rental at least as clean as it was when you moved in.
Because "normal wear and tear" can be interpreted many different ways, disputes often arise. The bottom line is that the better you itemize and document the condition of your unit when you move in, the better case you'll have against a landlord who tries to gouge you on the way out.

Landlords are typically required to return security deposits within 14 to 30 days after you move out.
The landlord must send, to your last known address, either:

  • Your entire deposit (plus interest, in some states and in some cities), or
  • A written, itemized statement describing how the deposit was applied to back rent, cleaning, or repairs, plus the remainder of the deposit.
Small Claims Court

If your landlord fails to return your deposit when and how required, you can sue the landlord in small claims court. If the landlord has intentionally and flagrantly violated the law, in some states, you can recover two or three times the amount of the deposit, plus attorneys' fees and other damages.


Active Member
anyone a lawyer on here ... or know about law / real-estate law?
I am Pro Boner and heavily versed in Real Estate...

1 month ago I moved into an apartment (well.. a room in house).
My landlord gave me a lease to sign, but it was for the previous tenant.
Yes a lease w/ someone elses name and dates on it.

In an email, I said I had singed the lease and sent it to have my mom sign it (as she is the co-signer).
When she got it, she looked it over and said "wtf?", and thus didn't sign it.
We never gave him the lease (because it had someone elses name on it and such...)
What are the terms for the lease?
You just stated you signed the lease, that in your assertion was created for the previous tenants? If this is the case, ask yourself WHY!!!???
Because you have signed a lease, you are bound by the lease, however being honest OR lying would dictate how this scenario would play out in a court of law...

1.) You say you never gave him the lease that you signed, correct?
K, basically you are not under a lease because he hasn't received the lease.
A co-signer is irrelevant because he has already decided to let you live there, correct?
(hear me out on this one)

The judge would ask you what type of landlord allows a tenant to live there without a lease? It doesn't make sense at all on one end, yet Fred failed to get from you a signed copy, correct? K. It is up to the judge to decide based on testimony.

If You Went To Court And Told The truth:
You would lose on the basis that you signed the lease, and knew what you were signing (to live there as a tenant renting a room-and to be governed by the leases' TOS) -even though other people's names were on the legal binding document,

YOU chose to sign, anyway. My next question is are you over 18 and over, or under?
-If he had requested a co-signer, this may be due to the fact you cannot rent to a minor, and thus would warrant the entire lease void, and you would win in court=you would get your monies back and win in a judgment.

2.) If You Lie: You could do so but I don't recommend it.
-Based on the fact he has no lease, he has no legal right to sue you.

-The judge would rule according to how long you stayed....Resulting in you paying an amount according to what the rent per month ratio/how many days of occupancy.
-HOWEVER: If you sent an email to Fred, stating you signed the lease...
-You would be SOL, and no doubt he would provide the document you signed (without the signature) but no matter. An Admission in the court stating you signed the lease is admissible, and you lose based upon that information.

Anyways this was back around nov 30th to dec 3rd.
He hasn't asked me about the lease since and from what I understand by NY state law (I live in Rochester NY) ... I've become a month to month tenant.

I've given Fred (the evil landlord) my 30 days notice and asked him to apply my security deposit (1 months rent) be be used as my last months rent.. he said no and that hes suing me...
He cannot keep your security and make you pay rent.
How much is your security deposit? Legally, if you are a month to month you do owe rent, but he has to return your security... Hopefully your security is just one month's rent, and in this case:

I would say Call his bluff!
He seems to do this-bully tenants into keeping money but I say next time, you research your landlord like you would a replica watch dealer, ya dig?

1) I fear living in the property because Fred has verbally assaulted my character and myself via the telephone.
2) I fear for my things, since at any time he could come into my room and break something in retaliation.
3) I fear for my car since he is the type of person who would screw w/ my stuff in revenge.
4) No lease was ever signed (though in the email I sent him I did say I signed the lease...)
5) The lease he sent me to sign - was for someone else (Not my name or my dates)
6) I've told him to use my security deposit of $550 to pay for my last months rent (of $550)
7) 3 separate ppl told me Fred screws around with the security deposit.
8) My room was never cleaned when I started living there 1 moth ago.
(He told me he had cleaned it.)
9) I was bitten by fleas (took pics of the bites and caught 2 fleas) - because of the state the room was in when I moved into it - He told me it was my roommates fault because they have a dog and they needed to pay the $600 to de-flea the house. (my roommates brought their dog to the vet and the vet told them there dog does not have fleas) - the LL used to bring his dog over as well, but says his dog was not the cause - On top of all that, my room was the only room with fleas.

I'll start with 9, then go backwards:

9-You would have to prove there were fleas, and that they were caused by Fred/his dog. If you can provide proof they needed $600 to de-flea the home, you can establish a grievance and collect if you were distressed, however I didn't see you were anywhere in this post, which is not to say you weren't.
8-You say your room was never cleaned? Did you take pictures?
If not=SOL
7-You can get signed affidavits from these people, or have them come in to testify
on your behalf. If the judge finds Fred to be a security deposit thief, this could help your case.
6-You are not allowed to do this....By law you must do things properly; i.e;
Pay your rent, ask for security back, don't get it? YOU take him to court because you would be the plaintiff in this case. Be assertive, and do not be reactive. It will show the judge initiative.
5-This is key: If this was never signed, and the dates didn't even match the dates you were to stay there? He cannot enforce the lease, especially IF he doesn't have proof you had signed it, OR proof you admitted to signing it. The structure of that lease (or contract) remains the same regardless of who it is addressed to IF:
You signed the document, and IF he has proof you did. He does not need the actual lease....Just an admission that you did sign...The judge will sort out the subtleties.

If he has that email....You will be SOL even though the judge will give him shit for giving you someone's previous lease agreement. -because you admitted to signing it.

Move your things out if you are worried....
Take pictures ALL of your possessions and itemize them.
Keep receipts.

I'm pretty nervous about this since he told me on the phone:

"..in court little ******* babies like you get crushed by people like me - Especially when mommies not there to hold your hand"
He knows my mom is single parent from MA who can't drive up to Rochester NY to help me out..
Thanks for any help you may have.
- Chris

IN court he has to prove you "broke the lease" -Did you break it?
(For whatever reason) If yes, you lose.
Which means some type of agreement MUST have been made right?
What will you tell the judge if asked?

YOU have to establish why you would move out so quickly, the judge will ask you why?

What are the reasons?
Unclean living conditions?

Btw, I am not a lawyer but am well versed and researched in law...

I wanted to help (or at least try) because you seem a decent fellow.


Mythical Poster
Real estate law is very specific in that if it is not on paper and signed by both parties, it is not enforceable.

It's the land lord's responsibility to provide the court with the lease documents. If he can't do it, he's sh*t out of luck.

An e mail from Seventh doesn't mean squat. The alleged lease he wrote about could just as easily been a month to month lease.


I'm Pretty Popular
Thank you very much KBH and johnnysac.

I tell ya the wealth of knowledge the members of this forum hold is amazing !

KBH - Definitely bookmarking many parts of that site, thank you for it.

ok now to respond to some of the stuff Johnnysac said:

The facts:

- I'm over 18
- I did email Fred saying I signed the lease.
(however, I don't mention what lease (could be any lease), nor did I give him the lease via email or physical copy)
- He has not asked for the lease since the 3rd of December.
- I've lived there for 1 month.
- I dont think I broke the lease, if I am considered a month to month tenant ..
- I gave him 30 days notice, (which he did not except).

(as a side question, if he gives me a lease for someone names John who moved in 5 months ago - who's room I was moving into and asks me to sign that lease... is that not against the law ? .. since it was johns name w/ johns dates on it ? .. needless to say I didn't give it to him.. but I did email him telling him I signed the lease - though as stated above.. I didn't specify as to what lease or such. )

Thanks again for the help !



BOD gives good advice, except one point.

LL can not charge for cleaning fees. Normal war and tear is expected in a rental. You are supposed to include the cleaning, painting, if needed, and replacement of carpet and other consumables in your rental fees.

I've been on both sides of that argument as a tenant and as a LL. I may not know all the tricks but I can assure you of that one.

Legal opinion on cleaning apartment:


You are correct, KBH. I just took into consideration of what my parents do and what 7th had, I believe, tacitly agreed to.

I do understand normal wear and tear. Essentially my parents require that the property be clean prior to moving out. Or if the renter prefers, they pay for the property to be cleaned, which my parents do for a nominal fee. That fee is separate from the security deposit. I might add that it is not part of the lease agreement, and is more of a mutual agreement and matter of convenience.


Active Member
Thank you very much KBH and johnnysac.

I tell ya the wealth of knowledge the members of this forum hold is amazing !

KBH - Definitely bookmarking many parts of that site, thank you for it.

ok now to respond to some of the stuff Johnnysac said:

The facts:

- I'm over 18
- I did email Fred saying I signed the lease.
(however, I don't mention what lease (could be any lease), nor did I give him the lease via email or physical copy)
- He has not asked for the lease since the 3rd of December.
- I've lived there for 1 month.
- I dont think I broke the lease, if I am considered a month to month tenant ..
- I gave him 30 days notice, (which he did not except).

(as a side question, if he gives me a lease for someone names John who moved in 5 months ago - who's room I was moving into and asks me to sign that lease... is that not against the law ? .. since it was johns name w/ johns dates on it ? .. needless to say I didn't give it to him.. but I did email him telling him I signed the lease - though as stated above.. I didn't specify as to what lease or such. )

Thanks again for the help !


Yeah, I say call his bluff....everything from the start was sketchy...
Some judges may deviate from the law and run their own show-this I can attest to personally. In the end I doubt he would take you to court, however YOU should definitely take HIM to court....I'm certain this has never been done against him...

You have our support and understand what I wrote above was sort of a devil's advocate type of response just to throw things in there for a more informed read.

I never implied you lied, or anything of the sort, just an FYI.
It's just that judges can tend to label people based on the preponderance of the evidence. If there is no evidence the judge will evaluate your demeanor, attitude, dress attire (or not) and whether or not you are tact or not...

I agree with everything BDOS had said, just make sure you have a valid defense (upon cross examination) as to why you wanted to leave, and cite everything you did in this thread. It can only help you.


I'm Pretty Popular
@JohnnySac, Kbh, LMR and BOD:


You guys are god sends.

Thank you again for taking the time and responding / giving me so much info.
Normally I can just google stuff, but man was I getting a headache googling this haha.
(Though now I have that website for more info !)

Normally I'm ok when in meetings or presentations..what ever have you, but in this case "court" sounded scary ..and if you loose there's $$$ to be paid out - money that ha, I really can't afford to pay out.

that being said, thank you to everyone for posting, good to hear from so many old friends and some new ones as well.
You've all boosted my confidence (which is 1/2 the battle, maybe more) and I think I'm going to be just fine.

Thank you all again !

I owe you .. all of you


Mythical Poster
Take a photo of the room before you leave, then let the security deposit take care of any "damages"...



7th, I speak for everyone when I say that it is our pleasure.

I have to say that it is refreshing that I can actually contribute to something for a change. I can't tell you everything about watches and movements, but there are a few things that I do know a lot about. HA!

You're going to do fine. Let us know how it all works out, OK?


I'm Pretty Popular
Thx mate

I'll definitely keep you guys updated w/ any and all info / upcoming events.