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Fakey Thoughts: Part V: Christmas Edition!!


Mythical Poster
What is Christmas? Sure we hoopity doop and dickery dock. But what does it represent to each of us? I have some thoughts.

The Santa angle is pretty cool. You gotta admit the whole concept is fascinating. This guy hops in a sleigh powered by eight arctic Odocoileus virginianus (One apparently has built in radar). Then utlizing technology that would make Einstein giggle like a wide eyed school girl, zips around the planet, shoves his fat ass down the chimney, delivers oodles of presents and hurdles to his next destination fueled by enough cookies to feed the continent of Africa.

Or is it the baby Jesus. No not Sean Hannity...the other guy.....The dude from the fiction novel....The one who turned water into wine? Yeah that one. That is what Christmas is supposed to be about.

Or is it about family and spending time with the ones you love. I like that. It's the main thing people do on Christmas. Unfortunately it usually reminds us why we left and requires swilling large amounts of alcohol to get through the experience.

I can't say for sure which reason is best. Perhaps you'll share your thoughts. But whether you decide to pray or chug spiked punch, make the most of it. You never know if it will be your last.

Merry Christmas


I'm Pretty Popular
fascinating insight into the cikeee of the master ................
if your religious (Christian) then its all about the birth of JC. the Santa thing is supposedly named after St Nicolas a catholic priest from long ago ............... the giving gifts is a relatively new thing .......... to make money and loads of it ................. ..the getting together and fighting with your siblings is the best part ................... for me its the kids (when young) expression when opening gifts after gifts then settling for the least expensive one you got them ??????????


Banned member, the goat does not approve
Well as an atheist (please don't kill me, I'm just a man of science and if science can't prove something exists or can happen then it doesn't exist and never happened) I would exclude the 2nd option. As FM said whole Santa thing is pretty cool. I love the spirit surrounding this old man. I love the spirit that little kid generate around him. How passionately they talk about him. It just makes me feel good.

The 3rd part I think is the one I cherish Xmas so much for. As I'm away from home most of the year (studying) I love going back every holiday but there's something about Xmas that makes that very return more special. I guess it's that Santa spirit again. The xmas trees all over the places, all the flashing lights on the streets and on people's houses, THE SNOW, and last but not least my family. It's the best time of the year when all of my family gathers together and have dinner around the fireplace while its snowing like hell outside. I just feel like I can stay in this room like this forever. It's a really special day to me. Even more special is when it comes to opening the presents. I just LOVE the expression on everyone's faces when they open their presents from me. It just fills me up with joy. And although sometimes they know what they're getting they are still genuinely surprised when they see their present. Anyway that's how I see Xmas and it really is a very special time of the year for me

Marry Christmas everybody!


Put Some Respect On My Name
mmmmm... Friends are the family you CHOOSE, so spend time with them...


Mythical Poster
.....The dude from the fiction novel....
I know this is stated only as opinion, and I would fight to the death for the right to both have and express differing opinions. But surely you must realize how insulting this statement is. I don't judge or ridicule others' lack of faith, and would appreciate if they show the same respect for the faith I fervently believe in.
Ultimately, at the end of my days, we will all be either right or wrong. If I am wrong, then I will have at least tried to live a good and moral life that hopefully impacted the lives of others in a positive way. However, if those who do not share my faith are the ones who are wrong then the consequences of their mistake will be much more dire and irreversible.

.....Or is it about family and spending time with the ones you love. I like that. It's the main thing people do on Christmas. Unfortunately it usually reminds us why we left and requires swilling large amounts of alcohol to get through the experience.....
I enjoy my family and the times we spend together. And as relatives pass I cherish those gatherings even more. I am deeply saddened that anyone would have this outlook. This sentiment is certainly NOT what Christmas is supposed to be about.

... " I'm just a man of science and if science can't prove something exists or can happen then it doesn't exist and never happened"...
--You mean like global warming?? :biglaugh:
Seriously, I have an easier time believing in and justifying Intelligent Design than I do the incredible coincidences, wildly imaginative course of progressions, and magnificent leaps of "faith" that atheists must sew together to support their beliefs. What banged? God banged. If nothing else my "proof" of God follows at least some logic. Those who have wrapped themselves in the religion of science, in essence, say that everything was created from one point of infinite nothingness, and it exploded. I have an answer for what exploded... science does not.

Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Christ and what it means to our humanity and our spirituality. It certainly has been coopted by those wishing to use it as a more secular "horray for winter!" holiday, but that's not what it means to me.
I respect all whose beliefs are different from mine, and hope you have a wonderful holiday season. But you are not celebrating Christmas.

So to all on this forum I wish a very Merry Christmas, and all of the peace, love, joy and blessings those words truly convey.


Banned member, the goat does not approve
@levelmanroger I say let everyone have their own understanding and way of celebrating Christmas. It's a time of the year when people get together with family and friends to have fun and enjoy themselves as much as they can. After all Christmas is about family and joy, so let everyone, be it atheist or not, enjoy and celebrate Christmas the way they want to.