L-o-s lord of styLe ..lol
S seanf Mythical Poster Advisor 29/11/06 6,011 19 38 3/12/09 #24 QinetiQ said: Dawg Handler Click to expand... Heh. Not sure if that was intentional, but I found that one very amusing. Old timey reference.
QinetiQ said: Dawg Handler Click to expand... Heh. Not sure if that was intentional, but I found that one very amusing. Old timey reference.
L levelmanroger Mythical Poster Certified 1/10/08 9,767 72 48 Texas 3/12/09 #25 Grand Poobah. Humble and Loveable ShoeShine Boy! Master deBator! The Sultan of Swatch! JoJo the Dog-Faced Boy! Head Chihuahua Wrangler. Certified Timex Enthusiast Building my collection 1 Invicta at a time... that's enough for now - I'm in freeway traffic and my hand is starting to cramp up!
Grand Poobah. Humble and Loveable ShoeShine Boy! Master deBator! The Sultan of Swatch! JoJo the Dog-Faced Boy! Head Chihuahua Wrangler. Certified Timex Enthusiast Building my collection 1 Invicta at a time... that's enough for now - I'm in freeway traffic and my hand is starting to cramp up!
Mobius I'm Pretty Popular 14/7/09 1,021 14 38 Orion–Cygnus Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy 3/12/09 #28 Ayatollah of Rock n Rolla! LOL!
Q QinetiQ Banned member, the goat does not approve Banned 6/8/09 4,585 0 0 3/12/09 #29 or Vanilla Bear
Mobius I'm Pretty Popular 14/7/09 1,021 14 38 Orion–Cygnus Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy 3/12/09 #30 or Funshine Bear
JellyJoe Respected Member 28/9/09 4,098 23 38 3/12/09 #31 R2D4 said: OMG JJ that's classic! LMAO! Click to expand...
trailboss99 Head Honcho - Cat Herder Staff member Administrator Certified 30/3/08 43,756 18,566 113 4/12/09 #32 Head Honcho. Da Boss. Col.
tommy_boy Athletic Supporter 23/4/09 9,561 169 63 The Evergreen State 4/12/09 #33 Beloved Leader has a nice ring to it. El Presidente? You don't have to wear fatigues, though.
L LegendofSpeed Respected Member 4/5/06 5,722 4 38 4/12/09 #34 Beloved Leader has a very nice ring to it!
C cazIRL Renowned Member 5/11/08 696 0 0 4/12/09 #35 El Padrino [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0NRnWjHfWg"]YouTube- el chacarron sinaloense[/ame]
daytona4me SOVED-24 - Sudden Onset Varying Excuses Disorder Staff member Administrator Certified 4/3/06 14,651 14,777 113 4/12/09 #36 roflmao, what the hell does this mean? el chacarron sinaloense
R2D4 Admin Advisor 15/4/07 14,909 54 48 4/12/09 #37 Pincha Chingon! (My Spanish slang is bad, Does this mean Bad Arse in a, "He is good" kind of way?)