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Active Member
Just bought a 50 inch Plasma

I just bought a 50 inch plasma....I can tell you this. If you are dead set on a 50 inch plasma. LG, panasonic, pioneer and fujistu are the only ones who make a 50 inch plasma. I beelive Panasonic, Pioneer and fujitsu are the only true makers of Plasma. If money is not an option get a Fujitsu--they are the best in the businss. If money is an issue buy the 50 inch Panasonic TH-50PX60U. Consumer reports rates that as the best 50 inch plasma. That's what I bought and I will take the pepsi challenge any day of the week. If you live in the states-you can buy one from HH Gregg for $2200.00

hope this helps![/u]


Legendary Member
Re: Just bought a 50 inch Plasma

wilson34 said:
I just bought a 50 inch plasma....I can tell you this. If you are dead set on a 50 inch plasma. LG, panasonic, pioneer and fujistu are the only ones who make a 50 inch plasma. I beelive Panasonic, Pioneer and fujitsu are the only true makers of Plasma. If money is not an option get a Fujitsu--they are the best in the businss. If money is an issue buy the 50 inch Panasonic TH-50PX60U. Consumer reports rates that as the best 50 inch plasma. That's what I bought and I will take the pepsi challenge any day of the week. If you live in the states-you can buy one from HH Gregg for $2200.00

hope this helps![/u]

i hope consumer reports know more about tv's than they do about cars because you can't trust anything they say about automobiles.


Active Member
I have no luck with cars

I bought a 2000 acura RL. I had 43k miles on it when the engine blew. I had to take Honda to court only to split the differance for a new engine. Funny thing---I took my car religiously to the acura dealer. They still tried to blame me for not putting oil in the engine????????


Renowned Member
grebeck said:
@rbarr27: Does your projector fan make a lot of noise?

Not really that much, but I keep it on a shelf under the top of my coffee table - and the side closest to me has a stack of photo boxes so I don't even know it's there.

My first one, an old InFocus was a litte louder, but still not enough to take away from how awesome these are.

Plus you can hang a sheet from your garage or the side of your house and show old home movies to the whole friggin neighborhood ot watch a 12' porn. Nothing like 12' porn. :D

I had a friend play Call of Duty on it once, too - so video games are kinda cool, too.



Renowned Member
We also watched "Blazing Saddles" once - but as you can imagine - it wasn't the most politically correct movie we could have chosen - but a CLASSIC none-the-less.



Legendary Member
rbarr27 said:
We also watched "Blazing Saddles" once - but as you can imagine - it wasn't the most politically correct movie we could have chosen - but a CLASSIC none-the-less.


pc or not it is damn funny. :lol:


Mythical Poster
hk45ca said:
pc or not it is damn funny. :lol:
It's as PC as they come. Didn't anyone get it's a movie about racism? Anti-racist statements are PC by definition. :D


Renowned Member
Pugwash said:
hk45ca said:
pc or not it is damn funny. :lol:
It's as PC as they come. Didn't anyone get it's a movie about racism? Anti-racist statements are PC by definition. :D

No, I got it - I was just saying it might not have been the best choice to view FULL SIZE on my front porch in my old neighborhood. Some of the neighbors might not have gotten it.

Kramer's hecklers might very well be suing ME :D



Mythical Poster
rbarr27 said:
Some of the neighbors might not have gotten it.
That's a certainty. The bean scene at the campfire would have got the rest of them. :D


I'm Pretty Popular
If I can throw in my two-cents without sounding like some boring professor giving a lecture, I am ABSOLUTELY MANIACAL over the quality of my home-theatre and have spent way too much money & years researching, investing & upgrading it. Throughout the house, we have the new 46" Sony HD LCD flat-panel, a Sony XBR 34" widescreen HDTV flat-screen(CRT), a 27" Phillips HD plasma flat-panel, & a little 17" sharp HD LCD flat-panel. So here's the homework lesson: :)

Basically speaking, LCDs will give you sharper edges than plasma and almost as much contrast as plasma (although nothing is as crisp, sharp, clear, or colorful as a true CRT, glass televsion) without the issue of burn-in & clarity fade that all plasmas acquire upon aging. LCD's are said to experience some modicum form of artifacts or interpolation while viewing an extremely fast moving picture (jerky camera movements, fast action editing, etc), but not so much any more, and not as bad that the picture becomes intolerable & is still well worth it.

Because of their basic structure & composition, the entire screen (as a whole) on a plasma will burn out simultaneously, rather than expire a pixel at a time, like an LCD or DLP will. I prefer the LCD, as the human eye can't spot individual pixels from 6 or more feet away, and from personal experience when the plasma image begins to fade, it fades fast and the whole screen goes at the same time. I plugged my 2 year old Samsung plasma in next to this years same Samsung model and the store & the noticeable fade in clarity was shocking to say the least, considering how much I paid for it and how young it was (needless to say, it was immediately sold). You don't notice it disappearing for the same reason you can't see the age progression on a daily basis in humans, cars, watches, etc; there's no common frame of reference to an unaged product to compare it to and the progression is to slow to visibly notice.

DLP's have fantastic picture quality but are rear-projection units, and like all other rear-projection TV's, the short comings are quickly noticeable upon movement & placement. The only way to get the best viewable picture from a rear-projection unit is to be sitting directly in front of it in the dead center of the screen; not to the side, and not up or down any from the center of the screen--the more you move one way or the other, the brightness, contrast & general picture-quality fade dramatically. not to mention the projection bulbs are upwards of $500 a piece to replace, and with average TV viewing time, need to be done every 5+ years.

According to Consumer Reports, CNET, & other electronics rating services, the CRT is still the best picture money can buy when everything from contrast, to sharpness, to color-richness is taken into effect. Of course, CRTs weigh an absolute ton and have obvious size limitations because of it. The Sony XBR 34 inch is still rated one of the best pictures of any TV in the world. But because it's 200 pounds & because of it's limited screen size (which is measured diagonally on all TVs, from bottom corner to the opposite top corner, in case you didn't know) a lot of people opt to go for the flat-panels. I think the LCD is the smartest compromise between them all.

I am still amazed--even after 2 years--at the XBR's picture quality & the way the colors absolutely "pop" like on no other plasma or LCD on the market, and am quite satisfied with the screen size, as the couch in that room is only 8 ft away from the screen. Which by the way, as a rule of thumb, for optimal viewing experience, your seating area should be a minimum of twice the screen measurement, if your TV is over 32 inches (e.g. if you have a 50" screen, for the clearest picture, your couch needs to be a minimum of 100" from the screen, and so on).

As for your input source, there is no need to have a Blue-Ray or HD DVD player any time in the next 5 years. The only way to get the best picture out of either one is to have a TV whose resolution is 1080p, which 95% of current TVs on the market cannot produce. Normal picture--VCR, non-progressive scan DVD, or non-HD broadcast television--is 480i (interlaced). One step up from that is progressive scan, which is 480p (progressive), then 720p (where High Definition actually begins), then 1080i ("true" High Definition). After that, the next step up from 1080i and is the newest technology on the market; you guessed it--1080p. So unless you bought a 1080p television, you wasted your money on a Blue-Ray & HD DVD player, as 720p or 1080i is the highest resolution your HDTV can possibly achieve. There also isn't really that much of a recognizable difference between an HDTV with an upconverting DVD player and an HDTV with a Blue-Ray. Also keep in mind there are less than 50 titles currently available on Blue-Ray or HD DVD format, so do you really feel like spending thousands more replacing your entire media collection? I know current DVDs can be played on HD DVD & Blue-Ray because they're backwards-compatable, but so is the up-converting one, so you can save your money all around.

So the best solution is to buy an "up-converting" DVD player, which will turn your 480p progressive scan signal into either a 720p HD or 1080i HD signal (Note: your TV must be HD compatible to receive a progressive scan signal--non HDTV's will only get a fuzzy picture on a progressive scan). Sony currently manufactures the best up-converting DVD player on the market--some of the best color & sound processors money can buy. I have one hooked up to my 1080i TV, and the picture & sound are flawless. I've tried other brands of up-converting DVD players like the Samsung, and their sound quality is shit; avoid them like the plague.

Also make sure you're feeding your DVD player's signal to the TV on an HDMI cable--it's the best quality for video on the planet; better than S-link, better than monster/component cables, better than AV, etc. If your TV doesn't go up to 1080i or 1080p, I highly suggest a Harman Kardon progressive scan DVD player--best color quality on the market and they even use Wolfson audio-processors...PHENOMENAL sound quality through your receiver.

On the subject of receivers, Harman Kardon is the best way to go. Anything above the HK 630 is the best bang for your buck one can get. Believe it or not, HK has better sound processors & converters than Onkyo or Denon--both of which I tried and wasn't as satisfied with. I only have mine configured for 5.1 surround sound, but HK will allow you to go up to 6.1 or even 7.1 speakers! And make sure your audio feed from the DVD player into your receiver IS NOTHING BUT OPTICAL!!! You won't get better sound than fiber-optics. And try to make sure your speaker wire isn't more than 14 to 16 ft long per speaker, otherwise, your sound quality that's being fed to the speakers will start to diminish in the line.

Also, please don't be seduced by the powers of hyped-up marketing. Steer clear from Bose products; they're still using the same tinny sounding direct-reflector speaker technology invented in the early 70's. Why do you think the Bose section is usually segregated from the other brands of speakers in the sound-demo section of the store? So you won't notice the overly EQ'ed treble quality and lack of true mid-range sound from their satellite speakers. Stay away. Harman Kardon, JBL, and Polk Audio make far superior speakers with a better range of sound quality for a hell of a lot less money. I've got the HK-TS 14's from Harman, and they are fantastic--I can't tell you how many friends have been watching movies at our place & said, "Ooh, that's weird, I've never heard that part before".

Sorry to completely empty my brain upon you, but I hope this helps alleviate any worry as to what decision you make, so you don't feel screwed because some salesman either wasn't educated well enough, or conveniently left an important tid-bit out. :)


Active Member
Thanks Gioarmani! I was leaning towards the LCD and your detailed summary clinches it for me.


Getting To Know The Place
You should go to the AVS fourm to make up you own mind for info, it is the equivalent to this forum except it is on AV equipment. The link is avsforum.com, just look under flat panel display. IMHO the Sharp 52 or 46 is the best. In fact some say the blacks are as good as plasma when adjusted and it has the new backlighting to get the plasma colour palatte. I have been an AV expert for over ten years and am CEDIA qualified, which should add more weight to my opinions than the average joe.

First off - this set has the best black and contrast levels of any LCD I have ever seen. I would go as far to say that it is just as good as the Pioneer and better than the Sony XBR2/3. You need to dial down the backlight and run some other adjustments - when done the black and detail levels are FANTASTIC. Let me repeat...the BEST I have ever seen on any LCD - very close if not on par with the Pioneer.

Second it is manufactured by Sharp at its new Kameyana II plant it's a brand new state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Japan that Sharp is touting as much as the LCD's themselves. Not like Sony which most panels are made by someone else. Sony's set is a good set but it has noise problems which you can't get rid off.

Third stores like Best Buy can be the WORST place to try and evaluate a set. The loop feed is horrid and they refuse to really hook up a bunch of sources. You must have it in the home to evaluate or read the reviews of the professionals and experts that have them, not here say.

The consenus is the New Sharps 46 and 52 are the best LCD on the market for flat panels. Plasma if a different story and they won't work at high altitudes. Anyway if you go to the forum at AVS you can get info overload, but you should make your own decision and not have buyers remorse.


I'm Pretty Popular
grebeck said:
I'm just starting to research buying my next TV (~50inch or so). Anyone have advice or specific model that they highly recommend or perhaps ones to aviod?

I have been selling TV's for 20 years....how much do you want to spend? No one asked you that yet....but it's the most important consideration :D :D


Getting To Know The Place
Oh how true that is. How much do you want to spend. And nothing is available at 1080p unless it is upconverted right now. Well almost nothing just a few PC games and you need the expensive cables and a good video card to watch them. Game consoles (PS3, XBOX 360) and Current HD-dvd and blueray players do not output 1080P just 1080i. It may be a year or two away before we get 1080P blueray players. Remember progressive dvds? 480i or 480p.


Mythical Poster
iluvhockey said:
It may be a year or two away before we get 1080P blueray players.
Even then, they make no sense for movies as you only need 1080p24, which any 1080i60 TV can do with inverse telecine.

Remember, kids. Movies are filmed at 24fps. You never need higher frame-rates than 24fps for Lord Of The Rings or Serenity.

Chicken Manny

Active Member
Pugwash said:
Remember, kids. Movies are filmed at 24fps. You never need higher frame-rates than 24fps for Lord Of The Rings or Serenity.

But what about my Precious??? :cry: :cry:



Active Member
I have been selling TV's for 20 years....how much do you want to spend? No one asked you that yet....but it's the most important consideration

Spoken like a true salesman :). I'd like to spend as little as possible, but I won't set a firm budget as if I get a great deal and the right TV for me, I'll fork over the $$.