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Crapatalk took another shit this week

If you see Kay

Put Some Respect On My Name
And changed its skin again. Just when I was getting used to the version they just changed( with the big blue banner for each topic, )then change it again.

Damn crapatalk. I feel like taking a shit now.

Sent from my crapatalk app on the shitter dumping a big brownie.


Legendary Member
I ask out of ignorance, what's so special about Tapatalk?
I use my Samsung S3 and can view and post with ease. What, if anything, am I missing?


probably the update, lol. If so, don´t update :D


Put Some Respect On My Name
After using Tapatalk for about 6 months now, here's what I see as a handful of benefits. I really like it.

1) I have all of my forums stored in it. With just a simple click I can pull up any forum I want.
2) When you click on a thread, it automatically loads to the last post you read. This makes it really easy to continue reading where you left off in a thread. Normally, on my computer or when I use the internet on my Galaxy S4, if you click on a thread you load to the very beginning OR to the very end if you click on that option. Either way, you have to scroll to find where you left off. Tapatalk removes that annoyance. If there are 100 posts in a thread and I have read 50 of them, when I exit that thread it remembers that I stopped at post #50. When I go back into the thread, even weeks later, it resumes at post #50. That's awesome.
3) Posting pics is super easy. Literally you can snap a pic, click "share" in the camera menu, and Tapatalk appears as an option. Or you can be within a thread, click to post a pic, and your camera gallery appears as a source. There is no more having to upload the pic to Photobucket, clicking on the image address, and going back to the thread and cutting and pasting to post your pic.

I'm sure there are many other benefits, but for a novice user such as myself, these 3 make it awesome. I have not loaded a single forum page from my phone the old fashioned way after using Tapatalk. Granted, a forum page on Tapatalk looks completely different than it does on the computer or when using an internet window on my S4, but I don't care. Tapatalk makes the whole user experience much more efficient and simplified. Again, I can't stress enough how easy it is to post pics from within Tapatalk.


Renowned Member
I'm still using version 4.9.5. IMO, it's been all downhill after that one. I'm sticking with it as long as it continues to work.


Active Member
Their new idea of design is so problematic and damaging the usability. On top of everything, I get ads sometimes with the newer versions and I have the paid version...

Nevertheless it is still is practical (just not as practical as it has been) and Mendota summed it up nicely!


I have a complicated opinion about Tapatalk, but that's because I can talk for both parties; as a user and as a developer using their plugin.


+ Easy for photo sharing
+ Using XML data transfer, saves us server load and bandwidth
+ Notification center (PM, Quoted post, etc)
+ Loading content is faster
+ Ready to use plugin for our board software


- Updating in navigation and design took away usability
- I dont trust the developers (explained below..)
- Opensource = testing platform for hackers

Why don't I trust Tapatalk? Let me show you two cases from the last 2-3 months: their support forums for board owners was hacked, basicly all user data was stolen by hackers. Remember the "RWIWIN" notification? That came from hackers of Tapatalk, not us being hacked. Next to that they have updates (mostly with minir improvements and security updates), I always check their Changelog to see what has been changed between releases. However, AFTER I updated I found out their new release was sending out copies of our FULL database to Tapatalk, I was like, WTF?! They basicly stole data from us and never mentioned the change in their changelog. What they said based on my question why they need full copies was to improve user experience. How I feel? Their server is insecure, they are hacked just before they started to make copies of our database, what if it happens again? Will all RWI user data be available to hackers? Well, don't worrie, I've blocked the database sync and changed the encryption of passwords. They won't get our data and I almost hit the delete button after I found out. I don't trust the developers and even though I like the app, I hate the plugin we need to make Tapatalk work with our forum.

So, basicly, it sucks, but I like it too.


Horology Curious
I like Tapatalk but I have one gripe....you could be reading a thread, then you go off to do something else, then when you have time to come back to the thread you're reading Tapatalk refreshes to it's "home page" so you've lost the thread. Very annoying. Only way to retain the thread is to add it to your subscriptions before you go off to do something else, but I don't want to be subscribing to so many threads. I've given them this feedback before...no reply.