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hi Noobie~ I got some questions to experts


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Why can't I post a thread?
I asked some question in the IWC section, but it says, the thread needs to be reviewed? I'm sure I didn't go off the borderline, but is it becuase I need to have couple prior posts to prove that I'm not a computer?

Which section is best to post thread about asking whether this "rep" (IWC) looks good enough to purchase or not?


Active Member
Welcome RikoLee..i am also pretty freaking new.

Idk about the first part but for the second. compare it to a picture of a gen. look on the gen site and surf around the website "Watchuseek" and search RWI for threads on the watch..thats what i do

then if you still have questions you could start a thread. Its best to research it so you know what your looking at.. well atleast it is for me


I'm Pretty Popular
Why can't I post a thread?
I asked some question in the IWC section, but it says, the thread needs to be reviewed? I'm sure I didn't go off the borderline, but is it becuase I need to have couple prior posts to prove that I'm not a computer?

Which section is best to post thread about asking whether this "rep" (IWC) looks good enough to purchase or not?

First and foremost, welcome to RWI.

As for your questions, not sure about the first part, probably just an anti-spam thing. I imagine "unmoderated" posts are only permitted in certain sections until your post count reaches a certain point, or a moderator deems it safe to release you into gen pop, not clear on the details. Either way it's nothing specific to the content of the thread you made, so much as the section you made it in, don't worry about it.

Second: You've managed to find the IWC section already, which is farther than some get, your next move would be to find the search function (right side of the page, above the list of topics in any specific section) and see what comes up. Chances are that if it's been repped, it's been discussed here, and the vast majority of those discussions will pertain to the quality of the aforementioned rep. If you can't find the information you're looking for, just hold tight and wait for your thread to be reviewed/approved, and try to do visual comparisons in the meanwhile (as previously mentioned). You can also repeat the same search process on the other fora, there's a lot of overlap but they're certainly not identical.

Since this topic is here, which particular piece are you looking to buy?