I think the consensus is they're about the same so go with whatever is in stock. I know the J12 has the blue screws on the movement so if you can't deal with that then go for the Noob or have the screws replaced or buffed. J12 has been putting out some really nice stuff lately though and their stuff has been getting rave reviews - for this reason I went with J12.
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One point which most guys don't bring up when comparing the two, is that the Noob panda has a more accurate second markers ring that surrounds the dial, right before the tachy ring. The ratio of the long to short second markers lengths on the noob is about 2:1, (the short markers are half the lengths of the long markers) which is as per gen.
The one on the J12 dial has longer "short" markers (for the 1-4 seconds), which make them more than half the length of the long marker (which occurs at every 5 second mark). This is a very subtle difference and mostly not noticeable though.
As for the blue/silver screws issue, I do not mind it personally, as I am not going to remove the watch while on the wrist for inspection. Blue screws are uglier for sure, but regardless of color, both versions are instant tells if the watch is turned over, if you have seen the decoration on the gen.![]()
My Noon 44mm Panda had all silver screws except for the rotor, which I replaced quickly.
Guys both factories can supply a watch with blue screws - don't get so hung up on this as 1) it is easily changed if they bother you so much and 2) wear the watch with pride they are awesome pieces of machinery !!! Once on your wrist you won't give 2 hoots what colour screws lie beneath unless offcourse you hang around with twats who will ask you to take your watch off to have a feel ;-)
My RG from J12 has blue screws.....delivered 2 weeks ago