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Awa’s 10 evils of counterfeit watches


Legendary Member

In an effort to raise consumer awareness of the problem of
counterfeit watches, the Washington, D.C.-based American
Watch Association has issued the following warning about

1. Counterfeits fund organized crime and terrorism.
U.S. Customs reports that the sale of counterfeit products
funnels billions of dollars to organized crime groups.
Increasingly, evidence shows that terrorist groups in the Middle
East and elsewhere rely on sales of counterfeits to fund their
criminal activities. People who buy counterfeit watches risk
funding these activities.

2. Counterfeit watches can pose a hazard to consumers.
Legitimate watch companies observe U.S. laws that regulate the
use of lead, cadmium, mercury and other toxic materials in
consumer products. Counterfeiters don’t have to. As a result,
counterfeit watches may contain lead or cadmium paint that, if
ingested, could harm children. Authentic watch products don’t
pose this threat.

3. Counterfeits hurt American jobs.
The International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition (IACC) estimates
that counterfeiting costs U.S. businesses $200 billion to $250
billion each year. That results in the loss of more than 750,000
American jobs. Instead, counterfeiters operate for the most part
overseas in third-world countries where they can use children
laboring in sweatshops at the lowest possible wages. Counterfeit
watches are often sold via foreign-based websites using no
American employees. Buy a counterfeit and put a U.S. worker
out of a job.

4. Consumers get no warranty of protection when they buy
a counterfeit watch.
Counterfeit watches don’t come with a warranty and authorized
watch repairers won’t service them. Buying a fake is a bad

5. Consumers can be fooled by counterfeits.
Consumers who buy a luxury brand-name watch for $50
probably know they are purchasing a fake. But many counterfeits
sell for hundreds, even thousands, of dollars. Consumers
who buy these watches probably think they are getting the real
deal. When the watch fails and they can’t get proper service,
they are the ultimate victim.

6. Counterfeit watches can be dangerous.
Accurate time can be a matter of life or death to some consumers.
Scuba divers and mountain climbers, for example, or people with
certain medical conditions, depend on precise timekeeping to
avoid harm. Counterfeit watches may not be dependable and may
put consumers in danger.

7. Counterfeiting is a growing threat to the American economy.
IACC reports that the global trade in illegitimate goods has grown
from $5.5 billion in 1982 to approximately $600 billion annually.
Because it’s based offshore, that increase hurts the United States
and helps China and other countries where the fakes are made.

8. Theft of U.S. intellectual property is a serious economic crime.
Not only is counterfeiting a serious crime, it robs U.S. companies of
their investments in their trademarks, their research and design,
their employees, and their advertising/ marketing programs.
Counterfeiters hurt U.S. companies’ ability to afford these investments,
and hurt the American economy as a result.

9. Counterfeits can put U.S. retail stores out of business.
Counterfeit watches are mainly bought online from foreign websites.
That’s an important reason why so many American retailers
have had to lay off sales clerks and even go out of business. Fakes
do damage at every level: watch companies, retailers and
consumers themselves.

10. Counterfeiting is a crime.
It is a felony to traffic in counterfeit watches. Don’t enable criminal
activity. Don’t buy a counterfeit watch.

Source: American Watch Association


Active Member
Some are legitimate claims, others are simply laughable (especially the point that claims that fakes can be "dangerous" ! That's funny right there, I don't care who ya are...!!!


Legendary Member
Not all BS, # 10 is absolutely. :cheer:

Even if the other 9 were completely true, would that stop us from buying?


Renowned Member
1-Love to see the stats
2-Keep em' away from the kids. Although watch batteries are hell on kids and if they swallow a gen......
3-Maybe Swiss jobs and sweatshop kiddies but I guess
5-Very true and bad. Hope none of us are doing it
6-:facepalm: talk about an over reach
7-Juiced up stats but a bit of truth
8-True for the watch makers over seas but are there US watches that are rep?
9-Stats please but yea a bit
10- got me there but I just ordered my next watch and I am looking for another

Capt. Obvious

Put Some Respect On My Name
My response to this bullshite!

1. Counterfeits fund organized crime and terrorism.
Most "legit" activities fund crime and terrorism WAY MORE than than counterfeit business. Counterfitting in comparison is a JOKE. Just research who initially founded and funded your most hated "Al Qaeda".
Crime only exist for the common people who cannot defend themselves. Watch a few documentaries about organised crime, drug cartels, camorra or 'ndrangheta and you will understand a little bit about how the world REALLY works.
Wanna talk about crime? How about foreign policies and war that are just a cover up for colonialism, and which kill MILIONS of innocent people?

2. Counterfeit watches can pose a hazard to consumers.
YEAH RIGHT!!! How ******* stupid do you really think we are?

3. Counterfeits hurt American jobs.
LOOOOOL! Ok, so let's shut down Apple, Nike, Adidas, Samsung, and just about EVERY SINGLE WORLD WIDE COMPANY who outsources labour... hang on... what are you left with then???

4. Consumers get no warranty of protection when they buy
a counterfeit watch.
Yes but in a WHOLE lifetime this will still have costed me a FRACTION of the price. A "genuine" watch is actually a financial burden if you want it to be worth anything for more than 5 10 years!

5. Consumers can be fooled by counterfeits.
If you are stupid enough to not do your research before spending thousands of dollars on such a trivial shite such as a watch, then it means you have TOO MUCH money and NO SENSE, and you probably do not deserve the money you have... hence you deserve to be scammed.

6. Counterfeit watches can be dangerous.
If you are stupid enough to rely on an unreliable, cheap watch, for matters of life and death, then go back and extrapolate the bottom line from point 5.

7. Counterfeiting is a growing threat to the American economy.
Ooooh yes, we know all to well who the big luxury brands cater to, their lack of morals and ethics and extortionate prices. And you would be trying to make us believe that they are doing good... for who? The private club that runs the world? **** OFF!!!!

8. Theft of U.S. intellectual property is a serious economic crime.
Highly doubt that the counterfeit industry hurts the legit one.
People who buy reps mainly would never buy a gen anyway.
Those who can really afford to buy gens, usually do so anyway and won't need or want a fake.

9. Counterfeits can put U.S. retail stores out of business.
Oooooh yes. Example. Rolex has lost SOOOOOO many stores and sales... NOT!!!! The prices of these timepieces has only ever gone up. If you believe basic market law this can only be because business is going well (supply and demand)

10. Counterfeiting is a crime.
So is:
- Charging $10000 for a watch that costs &100 to make
- Claiming something is made in SWISS or in ITALY, when really, it's made in China, probably by an illegal worker or even company (again, watch some documentaries and read Gomorrah, the book), who has been exploit... wow talk about illegal.

What happened to the days when VERY expensive things had a lifetime guarantee? I'm sorry but if I dish out $10000 for a watch (most people take a whole YEAR of their life to put that aside as savings), I expect that watch to be guaranteed for life... NOT having to pay $800 every few years to have it "serviced".
The value of the watch will NEVER EVER appreciate as much as all the money you've spent servicing it. When they tell you "It's an investment", that is just a catch phrase, and you should laugh in their face!


Renowned Member
...and don't forget, reps also cause cancer, and are a deterrent to world peace.


You're Saying I Can Sell?
There's some semblance of truth here, but some points are grossly exaggerated.


Legendary Member
Whenever someone buys a rep, a Noob angel get its wings.




Put Some Respect On My Name
Mist of those also apply to used watches purchased over the Internet.

Capt. Obvious

Put Some Respect On My Name
The only hazard reps cause is getting your wrist hair pulled by the clasp!

If you are a CRM member that danger is for your pubic hair!

Sent from my KW359 using my ASSO strap