Guys, Any flaws to highlight before i give this beautiful piece a green light?
A Andre369 Getting To Know The Place 20/11/12 19 0 0 19/7/13 #1 Guys, Any flaws to highlight before i give this beautiful piece a green light?
C Capt. Obvious Respected Member 5/5/13 4,136 2 0 20/7/13 #5 Posting QC pictures for members to dissect is against the rules!
TESLA760 Time is Money $$ Certified 7/2/11 24,695 21,178 113 Socal Wine Country 20/7/13 #6 What are you seeing in the pictures that concerns you. That's the only reason to post QC pics.
tommy_boy Athletic Supporter 23/4/09 9,561 169 63 The Evergreen State 20/7/13 #7 Please be aware of this post from the RWI staff on the purpose of posting these types of pictures. Thank you.
Please be aware of this post from the RWI staff on the purpose of posting these types of pictures. Thank you.
B blind-m I'm Pretty Popular 21/3/12 1,098 3 0 20/7/13 #8 If you can't see 'em, we can't see 'em. Buy it.
N nalomb Be Excellent 6/8/12 3,563 627 113 20/7/13 #9 The hand on the 3 o'clock chrono is a but off kilter. That is a pretty common problem -- other than that, looks fine.
The hand on the 3 o'clock chrono is a but off kilter. That is a pretty common problem -- other than that, looks fine.
B Ballface Active Member 20/6/12 443 1 0 22/7/13 #10 Man, that looks fantastic. I should pick one of those up myself.
R redrising I'm Pretty Popular 23/4/12 2,943 11 38 1/8/13 #12 FiSh_23 said: Hi can ts share from which TD? Click to expand... Any TDs can get you this watch. Just send a pic of it to your favorite TD.
FiSh_23 said: Hi can ts share from which TD? Click to expand... Any TDs can get you this watch. Just send a pic of it to your favorite TD.