no need to be patronising. you're being quite prejudice to be honest, yes I've been here for two weeks. that's all you know and all you base your post on. Why should I be embaressed? because you think I should? good argument.
I'm inclined to agree with you regarding if you don't have antything to contribute with maybe you shouldn't. as it's well astablished now, yes I'm new to this forum. but I'm not 12 and I don't need someone to tell me wheter or not to show a third party respect. that's what I took an offence against.
I wasn't trying to be patronizing. I was merely saying what I am sure every member that isn't a disrespectful know it all was thinking when they read your post. Take it however you'd like but you won't last here and if you do good luck getting help from anyone with anything. Who do you think will take a few minutes out of their day to answer questions for Noobs like myself. You know who... the senior members who have shut there mouths and opened their ears along their journey here. And do you know why they are taking a few minutes out of their day to answer my question which has certainly been asked and answered thousands of times? Because one day, long ago when that senior member was a Noob, he had his frequently asked questions answered by a senior member who took a few minutes out of his day to answer his questions and so on and so on and so on.
This is why you respect senior members. This forum isn't some blog where you hold your pimple filled chin up and swear to everyone that you don't have a sock stuffed in your pants. It's a forum of people who will take time out of there day to help you, a stranger and all they want in return is the respect that they deserve.
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