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noob with a brain about to explode!!!!!


You're Saying I Can Sell?
Ok... I've been lurking for about a week now. Reading a TON of threads. Read Fakey's corner, all of the "read this first" stuff... And I THINK I have it "down" but I'm sure I'm missing something.

Here's my thoughts:

I'm new to this. I don't want to spend a TON of $$ because I'm not sure if my initial interest is going to last, so, price is a major factor.

IF I were to go with a particular watch these are the main things I'm looking at:

Movement: I'm probably going to go with the 21J (I understand this to be a lower quality movement... am I correct?) because I'm a novice and know very little about the difference. IF I were to continue purchasing I would move up and see the difference I'm sure.

Bezel: Make sure it's whatever material it should be - if it's supposed to be ceramic, it should be ceramic - (not painted metal):

Crystal: Sapphire is better than Quartz. Where does the Plexi rank (I'm assuming low, but, have seen it on quite a few of the TD's sites).

I'm not 100% sure what else I should be particularly picky about.

My main concern is that the watch is going to end up feeling "cheap and tinny"... Is there anything in particular I need to keep an eye out for to avoid this?

Thus far I'm leaning towards buying from Hont, Marvellous or Narikaa. I don't plan on ordering until March (as I believe the Chinese holiday is going on right now and won't probably get a great response anyway).

How am I doing? Am I totally off on something? Any good tips?

I just hope I don't get any Jean Luc Piccard's... lol... :goat:

Edit: DUH: I'm thinking about starting with a Rolex Submariner (think this is pretty basic starter) or an Avenger V4, (or really any Breitling because I'm slightly obsessed...)


My first rep was a 21j to and its about a year old and still running strong after wearing it almost every day for 10 months I say go for it! Although if you shop around you can get some decent priced ETA clones for not too much more..

Also quartz is a type of movement, i think you meant to put "mineral" this is the glass commonly used on lower end reps.

Dont worry about anything feeling cheap and tinny either, as long as you order from one of the TDs here your watch will be solid and should last. I can personally recommend Narikaa and Supermirrors, both are great dealers.

Good luck!


Mythical Poster
Plexi is what we call acrylic crystals. There were the only crystal up till about 1978 or so. Mineral is tempered glass of somesuch. Its all good though, you are headed in the right direction. Keep going and enjoy the head spin cause you haven't even left your garage yet, much less arrived near your destination.


You're Saying I Can Sell?
So I really can't go wrong with any of the TD's no matter what the cost is what you guys are telling me... Obviously I don't have the "taste" level you guys have quite yet, so, I'm thinking I'm going to start out small and build.


Mythical Poster
From your stated parameters, you are looking for a Noobmariner.
Contact Narikaa from our Trusted Dealers list - he'll take care of you.

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Well you won't get ripped off, if you order a sillix special for $30 don't expect it to wear as well as more expensive reps. I'd take levelmanrogers advise and go with the noobmariner from reg its a solid choice and his prices are service and top notch! I believe he is one of the only dealers running over CNY too.

If you are willing to splash out a bit more you could get a Breit super ocean abyss 42mm from sead he has them at a great price and they are very gen like straight out of the box. Got myself one over December and couldn't be happier with it.

Let us know how you get on.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2


You're Saying I Can Sell?
Thanks errybody.... I talked to Reg last night and he's out of the noobmariner right now. Just pm'd Saed about the Breit Superocean... We'll see what comes of it! I'll be sure to keep you posted either way!


Renowned Member
My first rep was a 21j to and its about a year old and still running strong after wearing it almost every day for 10 months I say go for it! Although if you shop around you can get some decent priced ETA clones for not too much more..

Also quartz is a type of movement, i think you meant to put "mineral" this is the glass commonly used on lower end reps.

Dont worry about anything feeling cheap and tinny either, as long as you order from one of the TDs here your watch will be solid and should last. I can personally recommend Narikaa and Supermirrors, both are great dealers.

Good luck!


Even the cheapest watch from a TD you cant go wrong. I had the same paranoia with my first few purchases worried i would get something really sh%^y looking and feeling. Besides my high end Tag, spent under a $100 on a couple of qaurtz and 21j because of the look and price more then the close to gen factor and i love them!!! Even the lowest end rep here will be far better priced and better qaulity then anything u get off the streets or some bulls%^t site.

If not already, you will be very very VERY thankful you came across this forum. Welcome to :cheers: keep us updated and post pics! Kinda cool seeing someone get their first rep. :D:

P.S. read up on what your buying and how to take care of it.


Renowned Member
Thanks errybody.... I talked to Reg last night and he's out of the noobmariner right now. Just pm'd Saed about the Breit Superocean... We'll see what comes of it! I'll be sure to keep you posted either way!

Oh and... Breit superocean all the way!


Banned member, the goat does not approve
Good advice given. If you can afford the price bump, getting an ETA clone movement would be a nice step up. With asian ETA you get a serviceable movement, which equates to a lifetime of ownership as long as you care for it.

Good luck with your Superocean hunt... Here's mine, just did a gen dial swap yesterday. :D



Active Member
If you lurked longer, like 6 months or more without buying anything, your taste would improve without spending any money then you can start out with a great watch and skip all the steps that you are going through right now. Why buy noob watches when you know ahead of time that is only a little step and you would grow out of that real quick?


Renowned Member
If you lurked longer, like 6 months or more without buying anything, your taste would improve without spending any money then you can start out with a great watch and skip all the steps that you are going through right now. Why buy noob watches when you know ahead of time that is only a little step and you would grow out of that real quick?
Goodgood suggestion is something to consider too.
Good advice given. If you can afford the price bump, getting an ETA clone movement would be a nice step up. With asian ETA you get a serviceable movement, which equates to a lifetime of ownership as long as you care for it.

Good luck with your Superocean hunt... Here's mine, just did a gen dial swap yesterday. :D


+1! If u can afford it now, or even wait as Goodgood metioned. I would take P4GTR's advice and get that one watch you love and want to keep around. I was overzlous in the beggining and bought myself a watch box to house 20 but it was the greed of having several different brands and styles rather then the best rep/quality. I Have decided to limit my collection to 5 personal favs(high end that will actually get wrist time) and the rest... Maybe some beaters here and there and some for my wife. But its easier said then done. It's a dangerous addiction :) Maybe ill get to use the excuse of having to fill the watch box down the road, but for now must excercise discipline and focus on getting my Tag H serviced.

But damn it P4GTR!!! You're killing me with that beauty of yours! Even straight out the box is a great watch but a Gen dial!! Drool~ @.@". Jealous :) cheers!


You're Saying I Can Sell?
If you lurked longer, like 6 months or more without buying anything, your taste would improve without spending any money then you can start out with a great watch and skip all the steps that you are going through right now. Why buy noob watches when you know ahead of time that is only a little step and you would grow out of that real quick?

I thought about that... but what fun is a hobby if you can't get started?! Plus I'm a very tactile learner... It will be good for me to SEE and FEEL the piece so I can get an idea of what the quality is. Then when I'm ready for the next piece buy a step up. You never learn the actual difference if you never hold the lower-end right!?


Snow Monkey Ambassador
Dont let indecision about where to start keep you from jumping in. Start small, pick something and try it out. One of the good things about this hobby is that generally, you can sell a watch back for about the same or a little less than you put into it and move on to the next one.

If you want a sub, you can go with Reg's noob as suggested (I know hes out), try a SOSF from supermirrors with the asian clone movement (wont set you back like a swiss would) or check out WBK He's in the US and is a good safe bet, especially for beginners.

I will say this - if you start looking at chrono's then dont go with a 21j auto. Go full 7750 or quartz if you are trying something out. 21j auto's with faux chronos are the worst, IMO.


Renowned Member
I thought about that... but what fun is a hobby if you can't get started?! Plus I'm a very tactile learner... It will be good for me to SEE and FEEL the piece so I can get an idea of what the quality is. Then when I'm ready for the next piece buy a step up. You never learn the actual difference if you never hold the lower-end right!?

True, true. I couldn't have waited 4 months for my first watch and don't regret having my low end reps. They get their wrist time and love the way they look. I think I love them more cause of the price:) go ahead bro. Pull the trigger! Can't wait to see what u get :cheers:


I'm Pretty Popular
I thought about that... but what fun is a hobby if you can't get started?! Plus I'm a very tactile learner... It will be good for me to SEE and FEEL the piece so I can get an idea of what the quality is. Then when I'm ready for the next piece buy a step up. You never learn the actual difference if you never hold the lower-end right!?

Seems pretty sound to me.

And if I may, a short quote from the RWI publication 'How to make friends and influence people' -
Rule no. 1. Whilst waiting for your purchase, read the tuto's on how to post pics. As soon as you receive your watch, get it photographed and get it on here.
Rule no. 2. When you and your watch are 'old friends', ie. after a couple of days, post a review of the dealer and the watch.

We'll all love you. Honest.


Renowned Member
If you lurked longer, like 6 months or more without buying anything, your taste would improve without spending any money then you can start out with a great watch and skip all the steps that you are going through right now. Why buy noob watches when you know ahead of time that is only a little step and you would grow out of that real quick?

He makes a great point. I got into this in December and am about 10 watches in. I'd like to get rid of almost all of them now since my taste of changed

My best advice from one boob to another is avoid the urge to buy a bunch of cheaper stuff. Once you get an expensive one, you'll notice the difference and never want to wear the cheaper watches anymore.

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