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Renowned Member
I want to share my negative experience with PureTime.
I wanted to buy an Aquaracer from them.
I emailed them about the availability of this watch and they answered - yes it is available but only with Swiss Eta movement. Well... it's about $80 more, but what the heck.... I'll take it.
Something told me that before I pay I should double check. So I contacted the live chat consultant (Heidi C). Asked her the same question and she said - no problem, the watch is in stock. Are you sure that ASIAN eta is available too - I asked? Yes, it is - she said.
So I'll take asian like I wanted from the beginning.

I paid using Western Union.
Then I received an email that the payment is confirmed (THEY TOOK IT!)
After 2 days another email - the watch is not in stock.
-Really?! Oh, so I'll take swiss ETA then.
-Sorry, swiss ETA is not in stock too.
So maybe you can send me PAM Fu instead? You advertised it as the special offer for CNY! The same price! Just send me one!
-Sorry - we don't have any piece in hands, and the CNY is comming. We can try to source one for you after the CNY (means after FEB 18th).
-No! I don't want to wait that long! Please return my money then!
-Sorry but it may be difficult because CNY is coming.
- What do you mean!? You are still working for 2 days before you go for your holiday! Just send me the money order via Western Union online or use paypal! It's just three clicks! Doesn't take much time! Please - this is my paypal account!
- Can you give us your paypal account?
- :facepalm: yes - please - again
- Sorry but we cannot do paypal payment - our account is frozen.
- What? Do the Western Union payment then!
- The post office is closed
- Do it online, goddamn it!
- Sorry, our qc department told me to do paypal. But I can't cause it's frozen.
We will return the money to you right after the CNY - is it okay?
- NOOOOO!!! It's not okay!:cry:

And the CNY finally came. :frusty:

First contact - Jan 11 (question about stocks)
Communication was very slow. I had to wait for each answer two days or so. Even if I replied immediately after receiving email.
My first request of refund - Feb 04
They went finally for holiday on Feb 07 and my money went with them.

Summarising - don't believe when they say that they have something in stock.
Beware of paying using WU. First you pay 5% commision to WU, and then you pay again 5% to PayPal when they send you back your money.

It looks like I found a great 1 month deposit for my money. The interest rate is -10%. Isn't it the greatest offer of the year?

Hope I finally got my money back after the CNY (actually 90% of it). But I'LL NEVER BUY FROM PURETIME AGAIN!

ps. THIS thread http://forum.replica-watch.info/vb/showthread.php/trusted-dealer-says-131311 is also worth reading. Enjoy!


Active Member
Oh the joys encountered when buying around CNY

+1 -- Despite ANYTHING (promises, statements, 'availability), it should be advised against purchasing anything around this time for the sole reason that if anything goes wrong it will be a PITA to get fixed.

I just recently posted a thread titled: Angus: The Man, The Myth, The Legend

Why did I post such a thread? Because Puretime is actually an amazing seller, one of the best for us 'community' forum users. Generally I would have advised you several things before you made you purchase:
  • Go with what Angus told you re: availability IN THE FIRST PLACE (can't fault you for double checking)
  • Pay via a method that is easily refundable (CREDIT CARD)
  • If you read up on Puretime beforehand, you would know that at this time he is unable to accept Paypal, PERIOD

I always deal directly with Angus....he never responds between 8:00am and 5:00pm because most people in China are asleep....Therefore if you try to get anything done during those hours, you probably won't be able to.

Secondly, how familiar are you with using Western Union? I never use it, but only because I'm unfamiliar. I cannot attest to how easy or hard it is to pay or receive a refund, but I'm sorry that happened to you.

For whatever reason Angus is having issues with Paypal and cannot and will not accept it from anyone...he's made this known on RepGeek, but I'm not sure that he's a trusted seller here so maybe you just didn't know.

Lastly, it's inexcusable for ANY seller to tell you they have a watch in stock, then once you pay not deliver. It happens I guess, as these dealers source watches from other vendors...Perhaps at the time you asked him he COULD source the watch, but then once you paid someone else purchased it (not sure how probably that situation actually is). I also don't know why they claimed to have the PAM in stock during the CNY, but then used that as a reason why they couldn't get it for you.

What I am asking you is to give Angus the benefit of the doubt. This guy is one of the 2 BEST SELLERS on RepGeek and earned that reputation by good sales and communications. I advise you to ask him why he couldn't source the watch after he told you it was available and post his reply on this thread.

Again, real sorry for your bad luck and service.... PureTime is NOT a bad seller.


Do not accept unsolicited offers
That is sad

Sent from my iPhone 6 using Tapatalk


Renowned Member
You know platnumn - you can stay a Puretime fan. I'm ok with that, really.

Not purchasing anything around CNY?
In the same period of time (right before CNY) I simultaneously bought 3 watches from Ryan and 2 next from Connie. And yes - I know how Western Union works. And yes - I read up on puretime before. Angus announced that he will accept paypal very limited - only form his loyal customers.

Anyway - this is the section when we write our reviews of trusted dealers. This is my review. I just shared MY experience. You can do whatever you want with that.



Legendary Member
CNy or not, asking if a rep is in stock in both movements to be told yes, then place order only to be told they are both out of stock is crap. Seems to be happening far too often IMHO, no harm in you sharing your experience bud, good or bad, you WILL get your money back, that I do know, when? Probably after CNY.

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk S???R?I?????


In a Causal Loop
CNy or not, asking if a rep is in stock in both movements to be told yes, then place order only to be told they are both out of stock is crap. Seems to be happening far too often IMHO, no harm in you sharing your experience bud, good or bad, you WILL get your money back, that I do know, when? Probably after CNY.

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk S???R?I?????

Agreed! Hope it all works out for you s3g0y


I'm Pretty Popular
I'm getting really sick of hearing about these kind of practices.
Puretime is so quick to take your money and tell you, "yes, in stock".
Then, of course, the seller finds out otherwise.
Communication is crappy as usual.

And, this stuff was happening before CNY, so that's no excuse.


I'm Pretty Popular
I'm getting really sick of hearing about these kind of practices.
Puretime is so quick to take your money and tell you, "yes, in stock".
Then, of course, the seller finds out otherwise.
Communication is crappy as usual.

And, this stuff was happening before CNY, so that's no excuse.

I'm in no way saying CNY is an excuse for poor service, just seem to hear a lot more of these stories across the forum around this time of year. I'm not Pro/anti Puretime, I have never used them and personal have stayed clear for a reason. I've got my go to guy and he takes very very good care of me. Sorry if the 1st post came off like and excuse, it was not indented that way.


I'm Pretty Popular
I'm in no way saying CNY is an excuse for poor service, just seem to hear a lot more of these stories across the forum around this time of year. I'm not Pro/anti Puretime, I have never used them and personal have stayed clear for a reason. I've got my go to guy and he takes very very good care of me. Sorry if the 1st post came off like and excuse, it was not indented that way.

Oh no Rick, I was just saying in general, not directed at you brother. :)


Renowned Member
Where did I finish? Oh yeah....
The CNY begun. Alright, I waited patiently until Feb 18th.
I emailed them.
They said that they still didn't have this watch and they paypal is still frozen so they can refund using western union.
That was ok for me. Meanwhile I ordered another watch from Ryan. I promised him that I will pay with Western Union just giving his details to Puretime. I didn't want to lose the WU fee (5%). And I did it. I gave the Puretime guys the details necessary for WU payment.
They answered: okay we will send you the money by paypal later.
I answered: no! I just gave you the details to make western union, as we agreed before.
They answered: I have sent the money to you by paypal already. What's the problem now? You can't receive the money?

Well... my problem was that I paid once the 5% fee while sending them Western Union payment and now again next 4 or 5% because they refunded me by paypal the amount they received. And paypal takes the commission from the recipient.
I refused to accept the paypal payment and send them an email saying that I'm refunding them the money and want them to make this bloody western union transfer or refund me the whole amount - it was $233 net to me.
They answered that they can't take the money back because they account is frozen again. :0
It was just three minutes later after they made a paypal payment.
And it was of course not true - the system accepted the refund.

When they noticed that the money are back at their account they emailed me: ok, we'll do this WU transfer. Give us the details.
Just to remind - I gave them the details before. But whatever... I gave it again.
NOW they woke up and said that they cannot do WU transfer from China to China. Which was true as it occurred later (I checked it calling to WU in China). It sucked!
Being pissed as hell I quit this idea and asked them to make me the paypal refund $233 net to me. They answered: Our paypal was frozen, so we can't resend the money to you. You have to wait few days.
Damn it! It was just the next day after they made a paypal payment while I didn't want it!
I was frustrated.
I thought that maybe instead of waiting for their paypal to unfreeze (being honest I don't believe it was really frozen) it would be better to find some other watch at the same money from their offer. So I asked them about another TAG.
They answered: this watch is in stock and we will order it for you. We will send QC images to you a.s.a.p...

Well... maybe this time it will finally happen, I thouhgt. It was Feb 25th.
No way guys... :-(
After 4 days (March 1st) I asked kindly how long will I wait for the QC pics?
I waited 3 more days (till March 4th) and asked the same question again.
They answered today: we sent $245 to your paypal already.

And that's it! Nothing like: sorry but this watch is not in stock or anything. Just "take your money and go away".
So I'm away and will stay away from this dealer.
Summarising: it took me a almost two months from the moment that I asked abut stocks till today and cost me about 12 bucks (WU fee) with many misunderstandings, incompetence and frustration along the way.

End of the story.


Known Member
I'm worried now!

Ok, I ordered and paid for a watch from them last thursday, a TAG, Formula 1 Crono SS white dial Swiss ETA Quartz.

I was told it was in stock by Hiedi C,

Last week I was told they would send QC pictures to me at my email address.......

Today she/he told me that I need to contact QC to get pictures myself....

Why was I not informed to contact QC directly last week?
How long does it take to snap a picture and send it?

I am not impressed so far.....