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V3.5 Owners & A.R. Junkies - Question for Both of Ya....


Respected Member
Got a V3.5 Diver at the modder now, I have to confirm my mod list....

I looked at the watch closely before I sent it over - compared to my OLD V3 Diver with Double ARed Crystal & Cyclops ... on 3.5 the lack of blue hue in cyclops is very livable for me (gen not colorless I've read), and the dial truly "pops" already!!
I personally felt it looked great. I don't recall a huge difference from my double ARed one.... I know double AR can be slightly yellow-ish under certain lights as well.

Just wondering if V3.5 owners think I should do a Double AR package while modder has the watch (easiest way) ?? Or should I just let it be "as is" & save the cash??.... Thanks!!


Known Member
I would not do it, my 3.5 has about the best ar i have ever seen. Even with gen watches taken into account.


Known Member
Yes i would even be scared that the end result would turn out worse than before because it is so good. And i believe the gen has single ar on inside, so would not do ar on both sides since it is not per gen. I was at a ad the other day, big place in the center of amsterdam and i saw some gen ap for the first time. I actually was kind of dissapointed, there was nothing special about them. Nice watches but not in a different league then my 3.5 lookwhise. Ar was just as good i think.


Getting To Know The Place
If you want a ultimate AP diver rep, here's what I would do (given you have the 3.5, if you have a older version - add cyclops):

Relume. A good relume will make this watch justice, and also very gen-like. The rep-lume can be slobby, thin and quite weak. The geniune has bolder. more massive lume application making the numbers fatter. A re-lume will do the trick.

WR. This is an diver. You shouldn't need to take it off to wash your hands.

Now those above mods will produce you an excellent AP Diver rep. But if you're really anal about it, the second hand sweep is something you'd want to fix. The rep comes with a highbeat movement (both the asian and swiss) but the geniune actually has a lowbeat movement. So, the sweep of the rep is actually smoother then the gen, and some people can't live with this. If you're going to do this mod, buy the asian movement (as you will replace it anyway, better get the cheaper option for the watch).

Hope this helps.