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What do people from your country think of people from other countries?


Mythical Poster
I think the question wasn't how do you see Americans, TB surely knows none of us will be dumb enough to judge someone on its nationality, but more how do people from your country see Americans?


Legendary Member
we germans have a very special positive relation to the americans beginning with the marshall plan in the 1940s (building up germany (west) again) up to NATO and to Reagan (last good president imho) in Berlin with his famous "Mr. Gorbatschew, tear down this wall!" - All helped germany to reunite.


Younger germans tend to forget this - I grew up in the cold war scenario and always was thankful to have a strong friend behind our back :)


You're Saying I Can Sell?
I remember this too. Gives me chills of sastisfaction to this day. My father was in the US Army and I spent alot of my childhood on military bases in Germany. Good hard working people (a little stubborn:D). I wish the US was remembered more for the support that we've provided to our friends in Asia and Europe. The past 20-years have been extremely difficult for anyone with ties to the US Armed forces.


Put Some Respect On My Name
I've been fortunate to visit America a number of times over the past few years. Always had a fondness for the yanks since I was young.

On all my visits I have never encountered a rude American, always found them very friendly and helpful.

I hope none will get offended if I share a little of my experience. During my younger years of visiting the U.S., there were many hospitable Americans I met. However, I've encountered a few times of being offended because of my yellow Asian race. Americans cut in line, get your cab, talk in a demeaning tone etc. It's quite easy to blend in America if one is Caucasian/white from another country than an Asian with small eyes, regardless of how big you are. I simply let it go most often, not out of fear, but out of respect in being a visitor in your country. I believe the laws of good yin yang, karma (or whatever it is one believes) will eventually turn.

There is a feeling of entitlement among a few Americans, that the world owes them. Fortunately, not all are like this. I was surprised that during the times that I actually needed help, help came from 'unusual' people. Example, years ago I rented a car and drove across a few states for business. The car broke and guess who helped me? Two black Americans. I was never more appreciative of help from strangers. Another time, my companion left her bag and mobile at the resto. The ones running to us across the crowded resto to return these were uhm, not Americans, but actually Australians.

I'm just thankful that most here are the most level headed people anyone can encounter. I think it was Wiz who correctly say that it's the individual persons that give you a better impression that the country as a whole.


Known Member
thanks bro ! im very proud :)
ill go to the ceremony with a nice pam

We are lucky to have you. Glad you call this place home :)

Have fun at the ceremony!

Cheers to good health and a happy life :)

Sent from my iPhone 4s using Tapatalk


Ghost of Sales Mod Past
I pop in there often. The one thing I can't get over is the absolute lack of universal health care. If you guys had it, I'd prob be down there. In my line of work there are some great options down south for me.

No matter what happens, I will get the help me and my family need when it comes to our health. Thats far more important to me than any amount of money.