This is a tough one. The composition is bad. The white balance is off. There is too much noise in the image. There are too few pixels to work with. Not much can be done but I will try.
These changes were done with Microsoft Digital Image Pro 10 which dates back to 1997 and was last updated by Microsoft in 2004. I still use it because I am quick with it.
For those who are interested:
The first thing I did was to improve the composition. Rotating the watch and using a square format helped.
The second thing I did was to adjust the white balance to take the excessive yellow out from being shot under incandescent lights without using an incandescent setting.
The third thing I did was to lighten the image to get a few spots of pure white, such as that small white spot you see just to the left of the case.
The fourth thing I did was to use noise reduction to reduce the chromatic and luminent noise in the photo. This smoothed out the case back but also blurs the image slightly.
The fifth thing I did was to make the colors more pleasing (to me at least) and more pure by increasing color saturation and adjusting color balance. You can see I took some of the redishness out of the stitching.
The sixth thing I did was to use the sharpening function to give the image more "pop."
Anyway, those are my adjustments. I am sure others can do better.
This is an interesting thread. Not only does it show the different things that can be done.
It also shows our different "style" or "vision" or how we "see" it looking better.
When we make our adjustments to make it "better" that shows you what we each think is "better."
There can be many "betters," just as artists can paint one subject in different styles.
But I do think this is a tough image to start with. My congratulations to anyone who can make it look good.