Many people are ashamed admitting they are wearing a replica. In my case, I would dare to state the opposite. If I would spend, lets say $6000 on a watch, a lot of my family and friends would call me absolutely ridiculous and irresponsible, and in many ways I would agree with them, because sadly, genuine top brands are not within my price range. And to buy things with money that we don’t have, well that’s a big part of why the global economy is crumbling down.
Genuine top brands are extremely expensive and therefore not as common as for example Casio or Tissot. This makes people actually owning the genuine top brand watches a group of more exclusive people, and people today want to be unique.
You see, today, what we wear and what we own is a part of our identity and through these material things we can project our social class, taste and even economic success. Or at least that is what corporate companies want us to think. That what we wear and what we have is who we are.
If I had the money I would with no doubt exclusively purchase genuine watches (because the people putting their souls into the design, the engineering and build are the people I have to thank for these wonderful pieces). As would I also purchase genuine paintings of famous artists to hang on my walls at home. A genuine Picasso as “Le Bouqet” is truly a piece of art, and watches are as well. Still, I can walk in to any gallery and buy a print of “Le Bouqet” without anyone judging me.
When it all comes down to it, for me It’s about the appreciation of the art of watches, not the need to express who I am, who I want people around me to think I am and certainly not to look rich.
Just my humble thoughts .
Genuine top brands are extremely expensive and therefore not as common as for example Casio or Tissot. This makes people actually owning the genuine top brand watches a group of more exclusive people, and people today want to be unique.
You see, today, what we wear and what we own is a part of our identity and through these material things we can project our social class, taste and even economic success. Or at least that is what corporate companies want us to think. That what we wear and what we have is who we are.
If I had the money I would with no doubt exclusively purchase genuine watches (because the people putting their souls into the design, the engineering and build are the people I have to thank for these wonderful pieces). As would I also purchase genuine paintings of famous artists to hang on my walls at home. A genuine Picasso as “Le Bouqet” is truly a piece of art, and watches are as well. Still, I can walk in to any gallery and buy a print of “Le Bouqet” without anyone judging me.
When it all comes down to it, for me It’s about the appreciation of the art of watches, not the need to express who I am, who I want people around me to think I am and certainly not to look rich.
Just my humble thoughts .