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How good is the ceramic LV SA3135 best edition


Not Mother?
This may sound a bit extreme, but can another stem that has a better (thicker) design be made? Anyone on the forum a machinist?


Respected Member
This may sound a bit extreme, but can another stem that has a better (thicker) design be made? Anyone on the forum a machinist?

That would be awesome. It might also be fine if they made the diameter stem with better materials. (Like some type of tempered schedule 80 or something)


Legendary Member
This is what the problem is, its not well made, if it was this problem wouldn't exist as it does now. For the most part you can by a cheapie rep and the movement will lasts years if treated with some level of care (now the watch may fall apart, lol) and probably last without even being ever serviced. But in this matter we have a latest most expensive movement failing, and members searching for a certain spot to adjust the watch date or winding position.

Think of it like this, the kind (brand) of movement if it doesn't work, it doesn't work. I remember Omega having tons of problems with their new movement (not the newest one), heck I even had to send one of my Co-axials back for service, they started get a lot of bad feedback on it and they then updated (modified) the Co-axial due to all the problems and they since changed it again.


Renowned Member
United States
This may sound a bit extreme, but can another stem that has a better (thicker) design be made? Anyone on the forum a machinist?

Humm...I think that is possibly a good idea as well. From what I have learned on my years with this forum, we have talented folks that can do anything. However, my concern is the thicker aftermarket stem did not fit that bibi13 already tried. So, it may well be a matter that the movement itself is not designed (probably poor engineering) to take the thicker stem at this time. Hence, that portion at least, of the SA3135 will have to be re-designed (V-2 Arrrg!). Me thinks we wil have to wait until we get one of our pro's to tear the movement down to see exactly what our options are, and how big of a problem we possibly have here. As another member said on another post..."Never by the Model-A!"

On a side note..I will simply stick with the clone ETA's for the moment I suppose.


Renowned Member
The watch is dang near perfect, the movement sucks and will fail. With out a working movement, and nothing to replace it with, you dont have a dang near perfect watch anymore. So this Grade AAA, best, Ultimate Edition, just became the next big headace. Chinese Sweatshops are hiring in your area, but you need to have the ability to get one thing right and screw up 50 others at the same time.


Banned member, the goat does not approve
I agree someone has to tear this movement down and tell us exactly what is good and what is not, i mean i bought both watches in the same time thinking i ll give one to my father for christmas, now i don't even have one fully fonctionnal. First i thought i had ''2 bad ones'' even it felt weird... but when i saw other members posts having the sames problemes i knew i had to say something and share pics of theses stems. I don't want to say bad things about the dealer or maker, but before i ordered these, angus assured me that the movement was great very stable and reliable. 800USD later, i don't know when i ll have a new stem, no warranty that it won't happen again and still this sweet spot problem.


Legendary Member
LOL, I agree and guess where all those already made movements are going?? In the trash you say?? Going to be improved before being sold?? Nope, there going right to the next customers who buy them. Thats the problem we have here, theres nothing to rely on here, it lasts 1 week or maybe 3 months, but in the meanwhile thier still trying to convince you its a perfect clone of Rolex, WTF??

Find me the cheapest $20 rep you can, you know what I mean, ours dealers will sell these specials sometimes for $29 or something. Yea there all wrong, wrong dial, wrong clasp, wrong crown, He valve, wrong everything, well except one thing the F'ing movement (even being the cheap piece of crap it is) works. Are guys breaking the crown stem?? Are guys searching their crown position for a spot to adjust the time, wind the watch, or set the date, is the movement just not working?? Nope. Think about it, and you just spent how much on this new Rolex clone??

bibi13, I think the watches you have are unacceptable and so is this BS of not being able send you the part, never mind you where even willing to pay for and buy extra crown stems, no, they won't even send you a new one for your broken crown stem, well unless of course you buy another watch, F that.


Banned member, the goat does not approve
LOL, I agree and guess where all those already made movements are going?? In the trash you say?? Going to be improved before being sold?? Nope, there going right to the next customers who buy them. Thats the problem we have here, theres nothing to rely on here, it lasts 1 week or maybe 3 months, but in the meanwhile thier still trying to convince you its a perfect clone of Rolex, WTF??

Find me the cheapest $20 rep you can, you know what I mean, ours dealers will sell these specials sometimes for $29 or something. Yea there all wrong, wrong dial, wrong clasp, wrong crown, He valve, wrong everything, well except one thing the F'ing movement (even being the cheap piece of crap it is) works. Are guys breaking the crown stem?? Are guys searching their crown position for a spot to adjust the time, wind the watch, or set the date, is the movement just not working?? Nope. Think about it, and you just spent how much on this new Rolex clone??

Exactly, i spend 800USD and i'm stuck with 2 watch that i can't wear.I don't understand how the maker didn't see those problemes before selling it. I mean this is not like a design problem or tells compare to the gen like crystal or a dial. If the movement doesn't work correctly there is no watch. I remenber that when puretime post this new movement, i emailed josh from perfectclones and asked him if and when he ll sell this new movement. He replied to me something like: I don't endorse this new movement as the maker is the worse trusted maker of the industry!! and told me that he was working on a new 16610 for beginning of next year.

I did not know what to believe and puretimes seems to be very proud of this new movement i imagined that they wouldn't sell them if there were that bad and with the same fonctions as the genuine.


Legendary Member
Bro, I feel for you I really do. Course if it where me we wouldn't be having this discussion. I would have demanded a full refund and if I got dicked arround like you are I'd be posting in the dealers review section, that you can be sure of.

Oh yea and that BS of so sorry he's out of offfice, you do understand is total BS to get you to back down right??


Banned member, the goat does not approve
Yes i do, and i tryed, as soon as i received the watches and notice this ''problem'' i emailed them about it. they told me they never had a bad reply about this movement no complains what so ever and all i could do is send them back for replacement? But to get the same thing i said no. Then when the stem broke i emailed again, and same answer send it back to us. it's at this point that angus told me to try aftermarket stems. Like i said still waiting for a reply about the stem replacement. I actually feel bad to have to explain this on the forum, i'm not here to make bad review or anything. So if anyone wants to make a review of the movement, i ll be happy to procure the movement for the community

Anyway, no need for me to talk about it over and over, it won't change a thing. Until a review is made, members knows that this movement is not perfect...


Legendary Member
Not sure if you understand me, but what I was getting at is theres a dealer review section here, a seperate section where you can post good or bad, depending on how things go with any dealer. I'm not telling you what to do but I do suggest you post there, thats up to you. I'd be posting every 2 seconds relentlessly until the dealer made good considering the response last got.

To me the fix is easy. Dear Anus send me your return address in China, I'm sending back the watches and using a tracking number with the package, once I see you have them I expect a FULL REFUND that day. I do not want to exchange for other watches like this (bad movements), its your falut, you sent them and didn't check them over first, I WILL NOT buy more watches to get a crown stem. Full refund only. Have a nice day, friend.


Not Mother?
$800 and no wearable watches is a legitimate gripe to say the least. I think Anqus' trusted dealer status is getting a bit tarnished over this whole situation. I won't be buying one until this is resolved. In the last three weeks I've sent numerous emails to them about the status of the YM 3135 and not a reply yet. This is why I stick to BK's stuff!


Banned member, the goat does not approve
Yes i know you're right, It's just that i send an new email to puretimes about an hour ago, explaining all over again the problem i have, and that i was on the forum posting about the movement, and without an solution to this matter, i ll open a threats on the dealer review section if i can't get a full refund. i ll wait 48hrs for a reply and then i ll do it. I hope he ll reconsider his position before then... Thanks Sub4me

Yes and i'm a bit tired to only get for answer that nothing is wrong with this movement, and they can only repair... Repair for what, it ll be the same over and over again. I ll keep you updated on this matter. I guess they don't wanna refund me because if all these watches have the same problem everyone ll ask for a refund too. But they shouldn't say the movement is very stable and all knowning it is not... I bought a few times from puretime without any issues but now i don't know what to think


Getting To Know The Place
I find that the biggest issue is that it's a movement that will be very difficult to service on the long run. The prospect of looking for parts for this movement or a whole movement seems like a nightmare.

On the other hand, with the ETA movements you will still be able to find parts in the future through parts dealers like ofrei, cousins, etc...

Putting the SA3135 and even the rep Ceramic LV aside, what do you think about this LV from the youtube seller:http://www.youtube.com/user/watchcollecterhk#p/search/23/NElxk3KjXQY

Is it just a good video of a mediocre watch?



Mythical Poster
+1 I am beaten totally down by ALL the hearsay and speculation..If some of us didn't BUY this watch and wait to see..how would anyone really know. I'll be a guinea pig for sure and AM since I bought the SA3135 Rolesium. IMO anytime anything comes out new it gets all kind of opinions...opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one, right? I dig the watch period and I'll just roll with it. I have read many a thread on "issues" with just about every rep, every movement, most common reps anyway +/- comments.

That's what reppin is all about, right?


People are getting way too fired up over a couple people having issues with the mov't. The only thing that has broken so far is a stem. I understand the discussion and speculation about why the mov't will be crap or not, but no one's even taken it apart to do a review. Come on, the speculation is getting old.


Not Mother?
It should have been tested more thoroughly before being offered for sale.


Trusted (Watch Repair)
Trusted Dealer
Vendor (Watch Repair)
I've looked at the pics of the new SA-3135 . One dead give way is that it doesn't use a free sprung balance like the gen . It uses a common regulator arm found in all other mechanical movements used in rep watches. But I wouldn't be surprised if over time they change this .

Parts will be a big headache at first even with the availability of after market Rolex parts .

But overall IMO, the SA 3135 represents a quantum leap in the evolution of the replica Rolex .