Had some time tonight so figured I'd share with you all the current iteration of my 1675 vietnam gen spec case. I've been using these for the past few months in my 1675 builds without much fanfare, and haven't made a dedicated post until now.
Most 1675 gen spec cases from your favorite Viet parts dealer all come with pretty thick lugs - something I just dealt with until I got my genuine watch and compared the two. So, I've been nagging my supplier to tell the polishing guy to go heavier on the lugs, and voila! No need for reworking anymore!
See below for pics - the overly polished case is my genuine 2.6MM watch.
This was a shorter post than I imagined lol.
Most 1675 gen spec cases from your favorite Viet parts dealer all come with pretty thick lugs - something I just dealt with until I got my genuine watch and compared the two. So, I've been nagging my supplier to tell the polishing guy to go heavier on the lugs, and voila! No need for reworking anymore!
See below for pics - the overly polished case is my genuine 2.6MM watch.
This was a shorter post than I imagined lol.