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Watches and Waffle(s)


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2 of my favourite things :thumbsup:

In summary:
  • First TD purchase through RWI
  • Double order (AP15500 and PP5711)
  • Ordered/paid 29th Jan
  • Received 14th May (to Ireland)
  • Patience required, but definitely worth it
  • Will be ordering again next week.
Grab a cuppa if you're continuing on, as it involves some waffle, definitely TLDR :coffee:

Ignoring the PUI (Purchasing Under the Influence) impulse M2M deal, which ultimately ended up with a shiny Superocean Heritage on my brother's wrist, and the PAM127 that I'm thoroughly enjoying, mainly due to it's ridiculous size, it's the moment we've all been waiting for (well me really) since joining, so drum-roll please....

I saw a couple of quotes since joining that I felt best described my first TD experience.

"In this hobby, patience is not just a virtue, but also a difficult necessity"


"Patience is a key attribute that people learn on RWI, the rep game requires a lot of it"

And paraphrasing a few other RWI members: -

"This isnt Amazon Prime, don't expect comparable delivery / service levels, we are, after all dealing in the covert global production & shipping of counterfeit goods"

I can confidently say, never truer words spoken!

Especially when you throw factory raids, a worldwide pandemic and Chinese New Year into the mix, and then, just for the craic, more factory raids :huh1:

So why did I choose Lucy?
From reading the different member sections, and focusing on TD reviews, a few hours well spent, I was able to work out that, for the most part, all the TDs have access to the same factories/models, but I chose Lucy because of the additional QC quoted time and time again in the countless member reviews. From what I can see, she certainly has a loyal following of repeat members - and has just added another to her flock. Going into it, I knew not to expect instant chat bot email interactions, my reading was that she's a one woman operation, so to manage my expectations accordingly.

Full timeline below .
13th January - Joined site & started the quest
15th January - First email to Lucy
Emails back and forth (usual newbie questions)
29th January - Decision made (Double order)
29th January - Payment sent (TransferWise)
February - Factory raids/CNY - General consensus across RWI, & advice from The Bossman seemed to indicate writing off the month - which I did.
24th February Email from Lucy - official order placed (when factories reopened)
16th march - QC pics received
27th March - Watches with watchsmith
9th April - AP back from watchsmith
10th April - Added PAM127 buckle (XF) to order
14th April - Patek back from watchsmith (silenced)
27th April - Removed buckle from order (delays with raids)
28th April - Dispatched
13th May - Arrived in Ireland
14th May - on my wrist (well in the winder until I get the links off tomorrow)

Putting these dates in so people have an idea of all the dates I experienced re my order, factoring in absolutely everything.

I'm assuming the next order will be a little quicker, maybe, maybe not, does it matter to me, nah - patience is key.

What I received is well worth the wait though & I'm absolutely chuffed, and coincides with what I saw quoted in one of the Mod's signatures:

'RWI Proverb# 7' -
"People don't care about your watch, so wear what makes you happy!!!"

And I am very very happy :)

Was gonna post the QC pics, but then thought, the only one who has to be happy with them is me, so I'll stick to the wristshots for the time being, plus what do I know, as a pure virgin newbie, the only one Lucy has to impress is me, and impressed she has!!

Have read loads of different ways of saying the same thing, but the main tell in a rep is YOU, and how you are/act when you wear it & I 98% agree ;)

There may well be minor flaws, slight imperfections and differences to GEN, but at the end of the day, does it matter, to some perhaps, to me, nope - not for a millisecond. These are after all an accessory, to be enjoyed, temporarily, and I can't wait to enjoy them both.

Life is far too short to be focused on the one micron out or the one misaligned screw, or 1g difference to GEN, their raison d'être is to to be enjoyed, and that I will, until something else comes along that catches my eye.

3 things to do now:-
Given the timelines I'm now used to, am gonna place my next double order, so I can look forward to some new shiny 'toys' in the summer.

Next is to say a big thanks truetime168
, you certainly lived up to what all the other reviews said.

But not forgetting an even bigger thanks to the owners/moderators of RWI for "facilitating" the transaction! Was half thinking tagging them, but doubt they'd enjoy reading my rambling waffle & don't wanna risk their attention/wrath.

As an aside, because, as the title indicates, I do tend to waffle a bit, the word "facilitate" always gives me a smirk/chuckle, as I instantly think of Gary Owen when I use it in a sentence.

So, if you're reading this, and made it to the end without dozing off several times, and chugging a few red bull, and also want a little chuckle, check out the below short clip:-


Start the weekend off with a smile, I definitely am:drinks_cheers:

To summarise, thanks again Lucy, stay safe & an email is incoming for my next order.

Lastly, all that's left say is that you have any doubts about ordering from Lucy, don't, your watches will arrive, eventually, and they will be sublime, just don't, as I said before, think it'll be Amazon Prime timelines, so manage your expectations accordingly.

If a 3/4 month (Or 2-3 month) lead time doesnt suit your temperament, there are plenty more TD's, plus it means we get to keep her to ourselves :sFun_mischieviousbi
Last edited:


Getting To Know The Place
Thanks for detailed timeline, I have done a double order with her in April and patiently waiting.

Did you specifically asked to silence or it was part of watch-smith check.

Enjoy in good health

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Thanks for detailed timeline, I have done a double order with her in April and patiently waiting.

Did you specifically asked to silence or it was part of watch-smith check.

Enjoy in good health

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Thank you & best of luck with your double order.
I ordered at quite possibly the worst time, but c'est la vie, not her fault for a second. She promised the second would be quicker :)

If you dont mind me asking, what did you opt for?
Have you gotten your QC etc?

I asked her specifically to silence then Patek and there was an additional small cost, but running smoothly so far so happy days :)


Getting To Know The Place
I opted for pp5711 blue and DJ41 rhodium jubilee , smooth bezel.
I have couple Gen DJ and wanted to see if I can cut down to only 1 Gen .

I should ask her to silence PP.


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I opted for pp5711 blue and DJ41 rhodium jubilee , smooth bezel.
I have couple Gen DJ and wanted to see if I can cut down to only 1 Gen .

I should ask her to silence PP.


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

That's class.
Are you getting a rep of something you have in gen?
If so, always very helpful to the wider community to see side by sides, if you have time of course.

Am sure the QC are on the way, as you know, some of the factories are in limbo at the moment, depending on who you listen to, so I ordered again too, as soon as the first arrived, and when they come they come, I'll throw up another bit of waffle :)


Renowned Member
Fantastic read, what will your next venture lead towards of a watch?
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Fantastic read, what will your next venture lead towards of a watch?

Ah, thank you, was just a bitta craic really.
But as ya see, I do tend to waffle, so a little play on words, sprinkled with some actual info, timelines & deserved praise :)

My next order was placed when I received the first:-
VSF 114060 (No date)
VSF 126610LV (Kermit)

Bad timing of course, but itll get here when it gets here, c'eat la vie. To entertain myself am thinking of number 3 & 4 at the moment anyway :)

Hows the tracking going ;-)
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Renowned Member
Ah, thank you, was just a bitta craic really.
But as ya see, I do tend to waffle, so a little play on words, sprinkled with some actual info, timelines & deserved praise :)

My next order was placed when I received the first:-
VSF 114060 (No date)
VSF 126610LV (Kermit)

Bad timing of course, but itll get here when it gets here, c'eat la vie. To entertain myself am thinking of number 3 & 4 at the moment anyway :)

Hows the tracking going ;-)

Looking forward to see more of the same with your next purchases. And if I may say so, fantastic choice of next couple of watches.

I'm checking up every once in a while, but there's no movement yet. Hoping that there'll be a big chunk of updates once it gets some traction! :p
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Thank you Sir, fingers crossed for both of us so :thumbsup:
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Active Member
United Kingdom
Great info in there mate. Have to say that watch box and the 2 SS beauties look EPIC (and the bag of tayto lol).
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Great info in there mate. Have to say that watch box and the 2 SS beauties look EPIC (and the bag of tayto lol).

Thank you Sir, just a bit of informative craic :thumbsup: