The actual pen box I'm very pleased with. Got really lucky with the logo. It's from a T-shirt I bought from a charity shop some years ago. It's actually a Johnny Walker shirt (odd I know) that states "keep walking" ... of course, the great Mahatma walked 239 miles to the Indian Ocean as a protest to collect salt. You see, India's colonial overlords made it illegal for Indians to gather and use the salt. They had to buy it from the British-India corporation.
This resonated with me so I used that image as the logo for my box. My local signwriter cut the image out for me and did a wonderful job. It's only around 65mm high and some lines are less that a millimeter.
Oh. And I know this sounds arrogant but I'm afraid I just didn't think much of the MB box. I can't reconcile making a $30,000 pen that has a plaque on the box that any engraving shop could bang out.
Don't get me started on the book that's included with the pen!