Don't spread false information if you don't know, even if they are not trusted dealers here. It just isn't helpful. They are two different guys, operating two different sites, but they are indeed friends and have many of the same offerings. This has been covered ad nauseum over on RG. Not all of their offerings are the same, though, and in the case of many items they offer different versions of products. Vintage subs are a great example of this. Andrew has some offerings that Josh does not, and vice versa so it's always wise to go through the rounds when trying to source something you want.
Mendota, you're free to defend the Cartel, but don't tell me I am spreading misinformation about them when you are lacking all of the facts. The fact that this was all hashed out on RG is lovely, but that forum (which I do like and visit from time to time) also happens to be the only one of the three major forums that continues to support the Cartel and benefit from the Cartel's patronage. So, forgive me if I take some of the information about the cartel published on that forum with a pound or two of salt. For the record, I picked RWI as my primary "rep" home for a good reason. This forum has a solid record of sticking up for its members and doing the right thing.
In any case, your claim that Josh and Andrew are two separate people is silly. How would you know whether "Josh" and "Andrew" even exist, let alone that those names refer to two separate people. Have you ever met or spoken with "Josh" or "Andrew"? Has anyone that you know spoken to both of them separately or met them them both? No, I didn't think so. Josh and Andrew could be the same person, they could two different people, they could be ten different people and we would be none the wiser.
Chances are there is no "Josh" or "Andrew". Both of those names are just nicknames names that were given to the person operating the two websites that we also refer to as TT and PC (I won't use the actual names because I have no interest in promoting them). TT and PC are clearly operated by the same people and are one in the same business enterprise. The sites are set up to intentionally appear different and allow cross-marking and comparison shopping (with each site carrying a few different unique differentiating pieces). This is an old ecommerce trick (that is also illegal in the US, UK and EU unless the common ownership is disclosed).
One business is clearly behind both Cartel websites. Don't take my word for it, look at the QC pictures. They are both using the exact same exact machine to test and calibrate the watches. I don't mean just the same model of machine, but if you look at pictures taken the same day/week you can see the same dirt smudges on that machine. The only way it would ever make sense for them to use the same piece of equipment for every QC photo is if they operated out of the same space, with the same inventory and staff. Those aren't competitors in my book. I'll admit that I have no special inside info here, but I am a critical thinker and I know this scam well and have seen it used in various ecommerce markets. They didn't invent this trick and, they actually don't even know how to do it well.
I have no inside info on this, so feel free to examine both sites for similar Why don't you take a critical look at their sites and examine the QC pictures from both sites for yourself. After you do that, you come back and explain to me why I am wrong. While you're at it, explain why your so loyal to the Cartel when the Cartel clearly isn't looking out for your best interest her. Don't be so quick to drink their Cartel Cool Aid and check out the link posted earlier in this thread!