Hello friends,
I have been looking for an MBK/MBW Nautilus 3700 for ages. Today I have been offered what the sellers says to be an MBK 3700. The only issue I have is that I am unable to find pictures of MBK 3700, and from the pictures the seller sent me, it looks like a BP Nautilus 3800 to me. Could anyone give me some more feedback? Thank you very much!
I have been looking for an MBK/MBW Nautilus 3700 for ages. Today I have been offered what the sellers says to be an MBK 3700. The only issue I have is that I am unable to find pictures of MBK 3700, and from the pictures the seller sent me, it looks like a BP Nautilus 3800 to me. Could anyone give me some more feedback? Thank you very much!