Made in the USSR, lovely watch, ceramic dial
rwatch0 Known Member Supporter Certified 12/11/16 3,169 1,224 113 Belgium 17/4/17 #1 Made in the USSR, lovely watch, ceramic dial Reactions: Therion666
Juhani Known Member Supporter Certified 18/1/16 121 14 18 19/4/17 #2 Great piece! Vintage soviet chronos are a steal when you can get them in decent condition. Highly underrated watches
Great piece! Vintage soviet chronos are a steal when you can get them in decent condition. Highly underrated watches
Mikey101 Active Member 5/5/17 383 8 0 23/9/17 #3 Nice, any idea on how to source one of these? Sent from my iPad using RWI
M mil_sub Getting To Know The Place 2/2/08 40 1 0 7/12/17 #4 rwatch0 said: Made in the USSR, lovely watch, ceramic dial Click to expand... Technically this is not made in USSR. This is modern post USSR time piece. Still this movement is a nice version of a Valjoux 7734 (USSR bought Swiss manufacturers equipment to produce these movements). Mikey101 said: Nice, any idea on how to source one of these? Sent from my iPad using RWI Click to expand... Sent from the RWI App
rwatch0 said: Made in the USSR, lovely watch, ceramic dial Click to expand... Technically this is not made in USSR. This is modern post USSR time piece. Still this movement is a nice version of a Valjoux 7734 (USSR bought Swiss manufacturers equipment to produce these movements). Mikey101 said: Nice, any idea on how to source one of these? Sent from my iPad using RWI Click to expand... Sent from the RWI App