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Datejust Wimbledons Clean VS Vsf


Looking Around
Hi, first time poster.
I wanted to contribute to the forum and add my thanks to the people who put so much time into helping readers.

Like many others I attempted to buy a gen datejust 41 but after visiting the store maybe 5 times and 1 year later. Not one word and I just gave up.

So, I bought two datejust 41 Wimbledons, 1 from clean and 1 from vsf.
I originally bought both in hope of building a super franken along with gen parts, however due to unforeseen circumstances I probably won't be able to complete the build, I am yet to decide. :(. So I may sell some of the things sooner or later.

Here I will give my honest opinion and comparison of the two.

I have included pictures for you to see but honestly its very difficult to see the differences unless it is in person. I apologize for the quality but the pictures are more for reference, both watches are beautiful and shiny and the photos do them no justice. You probably won't learn a lot from the photos. The VSF is on the left and the clean on the right.

It is important to first state that these are replicas and whether you receive a good or a bad one is complete luck, even with a qc. I have seen that there are variances between the ones I have and others posted on here. The variances between the one you receive and the ones I have is all but certain. And each watch has its own individual flaws. Essentially it's true what they say, these are toys and there is a definite element of risk involved.

Out the box the crystal on the vsf is far superior. This is well known. I would never wear the clean as it is out the box. If you opt for a clean, I'm not sure how you would live with the crystal. It is an essential mod. Overall, it makes the vsf look the far superior watch out of the two. I bought a gen crystal but it is still sealed and was not able to compare to the vsf crystal. But the vsf crystal is beautiful.

Both dials are virtually identical. The minor difference is probably due to the crystal more so than the dial itself. In my opinion the dials on the Wimbledon reps aren't the greatest. I guess it would pass in most circumstances but having purchased a gen dial, they are incredible and although costly take the watch to the next level.

Identical on the reps. White gold hands is a nice upgrade.

I see a lot of people buying gen date wheel discs, but I can't see any visible flaws in the vsf even comparing every photo I can find. And every date other than maybe 27 looks flawless, so maybe I was lucky with my model but it doesn't seem an essential upgrade. For the clean its a different story and also the alignment isn't quite as strong.

LUGS! Ok its true the lugs are different. And yes its closer to gen on the clean. However, there is no way on earth anyone is going to notice unless you are really looking for it or comparing it to a gen side by side. It makes no visual difference in how beautiful the watch is. However, for me and maybe others it was important because I was happy to try and franken. But for anyone not wanting to franken its really not the big deal other people make it to be.

The crown from the vsf is definitely not as beautiful as the cleans crown or a gen 605 crown. The crown on the clean however is extremely stiff and much more difficult to use than the vsf

Out of the two, the clean bezel looks more gen like, maybe it is plated I cannot really tell. But I guess the plating would never last. For me both are weak and would be a necessary mod. I purchased an aftermarket 18k solid gold bezel for half the price of a gen one and its perfect, however there are cheaper double plated alternatives.

I read somewhere that they use the same bracelet, this is definitely not true the vsf is minimally skinnier and the pins on the vsf are thicker. Combining the links is difficult. Of the two the clean appears closer to gen but both are stunning.

The clasps are very similar but I think the vsf looks, feels and sounds better.

Both are adequate maybe a polish would help. The clean appears slightly clearer but the crown alignment on vsf rehaut is absolutely perfect and dead centred.

I think I was lucky both the movements seem solid. I have had both now for close to 2 months. I don't wear them out but both movements are working perfectly. The rotor on the clean is quieter, which was surprising. But I think the vsf feels better when winding and from what I hear is also great for adding gen parts down the road if there were any issues.

Both watches have different strengths. And oddly enough compliment each other. Its almost like they were meant to be combined. Clean has an amazing case, bracelet and crown and the vsf has the crystal, movement and clasp. If you aren't making any mods the vsf is the no brainer. I find myself always reaching for the vsf it just feels better, looks better and it just seems superior in quality. But in terms of looking more gen like, the clean with a new crystal is probably a good choice. I feel that vsf cared about the quality of the watch when producing and the clean cared about making it look as close to the gen as possible. It's up to you which you prefer. If you can afford it, know a watch maker or have the skills get both and combine them.

Thank you for reading. Hope this helps.

Happy rep hunting.



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Play nicely
Great first post and great review, nice to see reps compared, and all those asking why people choose VSF over Clean should read this.
Yes, VSF has little issues everywhere, but Clean has one of two instant "can't deal with that" problems and often has the weaker movement.

The fluted bezel on the Datejust is always an instant tell.


Renowned Member
USA / Florida
Seeing you have bought a gen dial to compare would you mind posting some pics to see the true difference.

have seen from other members state that the dial is quite great on these and there is no need to upgrade to gen.
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Looking Around
Seeing you have bought a gen dial to compare would you mind posting some pics to see the true difference.

have seen from other members state that the dial is quite great on these and there is no need to upgrade to gen.
Hi everyone,
Thank you for the kind feedback.
Sorry for the delay.
Here is an image of some of the genuine parts I purchased.
Also, a slightly better shot of both the Wimbledon datejust reps which do them a bit more justice.
Shows just how stunning they really are with a little bit of sunlight!
The rep dials are great don't get me wrong; you would be hard pressed to tell the difference. But gen wimbledon dials the roman numbers are more vibrant and the green really stands out, where as the green here is quite muted.
The gen dial I have is the rhodium dial. The sunburst effect is flawless, maybe the white gold gives it an edge; its very beautiful to see in person.
If I could have purchased any dial it would have been the green one but my gosh is it hard to source.
Let me know if you have any other questions :)