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VSF 126234 and GMF 126324: Quick DJ 36 Comparison and Conclusion


I'm Pretty Popular
Hello again RWI family! Here to bring forth a quick comparison and conclusion to a comparison between GMF (previously the best DJ 36). It has been a long time coming and many years of clamoring for the VSF DJ 36. I'm sure the reviews are pouring in, and it will be helpful to compare the previous champion vs our new hero. They're still gaps in knowledge and many eyes are needed for a full picture. Feel free to share and comment!

I'll keep this brief since folks already expect and know the VSF to be superior in nearly every way.

A quick side by side. we put a lot of focus into the crystal and rightly so. It is a major facet of the DJ series that is expensive to modify and the most noticeable on the wrist from an eye level. The VSF shows superior clarity and AR, with a note able difference being blue vs brown tint. Gens do have batch variances between AR tiny colour, so this is not really something to dwell on in my opinion. Check out my review on the 126610LV vs Gen for another look at this perspective.

You can also see that the thickness is very much thinner with the VSF, since it houses a true 3235 clone as opposed to the ETA 2824 on the GMF. The extra thinness and true function, as well as easily obtainable movement, make the VSF the superior choice.

The bezel is also superior on the VSF, with smoother curves and more brilliant plating. It's hard to show in photos but the lustre is incredible on the VS 36. However if you are on a budget, the GMF is an excellent choice considering everything shown here.

As a bonus, the datewheel and dial details are top notch from VSF, although GMF has recently thinned their datewheel as well. It should be noted that gens have batch variances and datewheels alternate between thick and thin, hence not really a point to dwell on too much.

I'd like to succinctly conclude that the VSF DJ 36 is a splendid innovation, and sorely needed, as watches continue to expand in size lol. I may have possibly started a wrist size war in the comments...

Instigation aside, if you get a chance, DO get a VS36 when you get a chance after CNY. Happy new year and fine tidings to everyone here. Thank you as always for the opportunity to share and store knowledge on the world's greatest rep forum 🍻



I'm Pretty Popular
Just as a note and disclaimer, this watch was obtained from Ozguro, not a TD here but frequently seen on Reddit.

Thanks again for reading and looking forward to your thoughts and own photos!


Renowned Member
Thanks a lot for this! Been in the market for a high end DJ36 for a while. Had the GMF which was definitely not something to be ashamed of, but have to agree with you based on pics that VSF have raised the bar.

Will be very interesting to see how it compare with the CF.

I hear you’re satisfied with the crystal - was thinking of getting a gen one but think that has to be something to determine once watch is on the wrist. Too bad there isn’t any deep XS for the 36mm DJ:s.
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Getting To Know The Place
That two-tone is simply stunning. I'm waiting on a smooth bezel release of that exact watch from them, but at the same time I'm looking at gen bezels on ebay... so I don't know, I may just pull the trigger on it right now haha !
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Known Member
Thank you for this review! I wonder your view on the two flaws people identify: 1) the lugs, and 2) the dial indices?

Curious also to see the VSF vs. Clean vs. GMF vs. Gen comparison!


I'm Pretty Popular
Thank you for this review! I wonder your view on the two flaws people identify: 1) the lugs, and 2) the dial indices?

Curious also to see the VSF vs. Clean vs. GMF vs. Gen comparison!
The lugs aren't something I focus on with reps personally, it's a very slight difference and not worth worrying about on the wrist.

The indices seem fine compared to gen for me, no worries perosonally. Plus gen dials are plentiful so swaps are very easy! I recommend this with any datejust dial anyway, check out my 126334 series DJ dial comparison thread here on RWI!

I have a Clean but need to repair the crown first, and will showcase differences here!


@kennygconspiracy Thanks for the brilliant pics of your 126231 Kenny!! Brilliant. It's next on my to-buy list. I wondered which you watch visually you prefer the look of personally, this VSF 126231 or your 41 126331 please?