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Tracking a package


Legendary Member
That makes a lot of sense! How true it is. Even for me I will avoid EMS and such. As for the custom, try to find out for your country. Over here, anything received with value less than U$400 is untaxable and possibly "untouchable". I consider receiving DVD disc (they have tought law on pr0n stuff) is more risky than receiving a rep watch.

Happy T

Renowned Member
There's a calculated risk for seizure no matter which type of service or courier you use. Lets face it, we're talking about an item that WILL be confiscated if the contents of the package is discovered. It doesn't matter which courier. Now are some couriers more likely to screen packages that they whisk thru customs better than others? Of course..... the courier is as responsible for keeping a rep from making it thru the system as they are drugs or any other item that they consider contraband.

The people I use to source cigars have a small "built in" cost to offset confiscations. It happens and is part of doing business. I have been very fortunate and have never had a cigar ordered seized but I'm prob paying an extra $10-$20 a box to my source to help him recoup for the maybe 1 in 10 or 1 in 20 that he has nabbed at customs. Like I said, its just the cost of doing business.

What I've noticed is that there are quite a few people that insist on not wanting to "pay" the price. Too many people beat up on the dealers for better pricing and then expect fast shipping to be a given. Its not. Fast shipping cost $$.

I still say for anyone new to ordering a rep...... first and foremost ask your dealer before you order what do they think will be a reasonable shipping time for you to expect. Understand that they can not give you anything but an approx time. Then, if your watch does not show up within that time wait one more week before contacting them to inquire.


Active Member
What do you mean by "built in cost to offset confiscation"? They charge you extra to insure that if package gets seized they will send replacement "free" of charge? I'm not sure if any of our dealers do this- do you? I mean why would they send it UPS or FEDEX if they know that the chances of seizure are that much higher?

And while there is a calculated risk no matter which courier you use, the chances of it getting seized seems no be a lot less with the cheaper/slower shipping methods....no?

Someone straighten me out on this- has anyone gotten a dealer to use FEDEX (or similar fast service) for an extra charge and gotten a guarentee of delivery at the same time?

Happy T

Renowned Member
I'm not implying any of the watch dealers do his or will do this. I'm saying that the people I use for my other hobby pursuits will reship should a shipment get confiscated and they are able to do that because of the little extra they have built into the cost. They have a pretty good "average" of how much gets through using different couriers and how much gets nabbed by customs.

I doubt any of our watch dealers would want to mess with something like that because its not cost effective since it appears most people in the rep world does not want to pay for the service of using a faster courier. These guys (dealers) have been doing it a long time and they understand what works for them.


Active Member
Great Happy, thanks for giving clarity to that. I would like to add though that I do know that some (at least one that I know of anyway) dealers do guarantee delivery as long as you allow them to ship it their way.

This issue of patience seems to be a very real, very big issue. I've been following a thread in the dealer review section- not good. The western world is sooooo impatient- with computers, FEDEX, microwave ovens, my goodness. I lived in Turkey for 3 years- how refreshing. A place where people and relationships matter more than the purchase. It seems like here who cares about the dealer and what might be going on in his life or his world- I WANT MY WATCH!!! :evil: I'm not directing this at anyone in this thread, just an overall observation. You can give yourself a very bad name by coming on the public forum and complaining about a dealer because of a time issue- and don't think that the dealers aren't going to take note of your name- this is where patience can truly be a virtue!! My suggestion is that if you are really having a problem- try to work it out with the dealer first (DUH!) and give them time to respond. If you don't get satisfaction PM the Admin for advice (I believe I am speaking for the Admin here)- they/we are here to help- keep your complaining private until the matter is done- don't give yourself a bad name!! You are the one who is going to look bad, not our trusty dealers.

On the lighter side- we can all complain to each other about how long it takes for us to get our watches and hold each others hands until they arrive! :wink: There's nothing wrong with that.

And please- this isn't directed at anyone in particular, just an observation of an issue that keeps coming up and some things to bear in mind- sorry to get so serious :?

Happy T

Renowned Member
A very good observation at that Tink. Well said!

I think the dealers should all post their delivery times as 4 weeks. This way the newbs won't get all bent out of shape not getting it yesterday and if they get it within the four weeks (as most would) they will feel like they got a bonus. lol


Active Member
I am with you on that!!! I always tell my customers longer than I know it will take so I can make them happy- they may not be happy with the time frame I give them, but they are always happy when I call them early to tell them their special order is in!! :p I think this is a very smart way of doing business- excellent point!


Getting To Know The Place
When you work hard for what you have, and you plunk down your hard earned cash, generally you want what you paid for. Goods exchanged for cash, or vice versa.

So far, all the dealers I have dealt with are spot on with the times they stated for delivery. That's 5 watches ordered within a day of each other, and all the ones shipped from Taiwan were not a problem, as all updates for tracking were recorded, and as promised, 4-5 days from date of order.

I was just concered with the last one ordered, as it was coming from mainland China, and there was no tracking info update what so ever. Just concerned me a bit, as this was also the most expensive of the lot ordered, and probably also because this is the one that I really wanted ASAP.

The origin of this post was not tro trash dealers, or the delivery system, but to ask a question of anyone who had expereince in tracking a package form Mainland China. I was trying to get an average of delivery times, etc.....

The pieces bought from the dealers here, are great, excellent even.

I will defer to them, as to how to best get the package to me, with least worries, and in a timely fashion.


Active Member
Tink131 said:
On the lighter side- we can all complain to each other about how long it takes for us to get our watches and hold each others hands until they arrive! :wink: There's nothing wrong with that.


Can you hold my hand now since I'm a noob waiting for my first rep to get here and I guess I'm a notoriously impatient Westerner! :lol: I'm obsessing about it and it's only been a few days so far. I don't know if I'm gonna make it. :lol: :lol:



Active Member
Hey there Toknee,
I wasn't directing anything at you- like I said it was just a general observation- the question keeps on popping up, which is fine. You have been extremely fortunate to have gotten your watches so quickly and with updated tracking :shock: I was not so fortunate on the tracking side of things. And I totally understand the plunking down cash thing- I went with WU for my first purchase and was a bit anxious myself.

Please don't take offense Toknee- take a look at the thread over in the dealer review section re: Luckyyy, that was more the impetus for this than anything else.


Getting To Know The Place
Hi Tink,

No offense taken at all.

I don't think anbody was flaming me, just responding back to some of the replies to get my post count up!!!! :twisted:


Active Member
@ Smokey- sorry there, Smokey, I wasn't ignoring you, I just took a bath- you might want to wait until I dry off.......they say I smell funny when I'm wet!........

I'm reachin' for ya!

I did say I was short, furry and funny!! :lol: [smilie=laughing6.gif]