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Skiing Can Be Fun! Klink Method!


Banned member, the goat does not approve
OK, here is a story for no reason.. as a Southern California boy I had only seen snow by the time I was 17 - once in 1948 in California, and again in Germany in 1962.. so when I got out of the military at age 20, I went to upstate New York, in the winter.. we went skiing.. as i knew notning of skis, i learned to do a snowplow.. that was ll I knew.. so we went to the top of the mountain, and there were trails to choose from, some had one red triangle marker, others had two red triangles.. i chose the one that had three of red triangles.
So, off I went, a smile on my face, and sailing through the air with the moguls.. such great exciting exhilirating fun.. and then, at the bottom of the mountain i could see the ski lodge, the lifts, and right where i was pointed (not knowing how to turn, only to go straight down at some great speed) the lines of people waiting to get on lifts..
not wanting to strike crowns of peoples at such a great speed, it cam to me that I knew what to do! A Snowplow!! but of course, it did not work quite as i had been told, for when i started the snowplow, great sheets of schnee snow were thrown to both sides, quite interesting, and my speed did not go down so much.. so, i thought "now what to do?"
My answer, was simple, I sat down, and kept the snowpolow.. : ) - after going through and past the peoples waiting for the lift? Having had so much of fun, and alzo having solved the problem of how to stop? Well, of course i got right back in line for lift, and headed back to the top...
I did not know that my journey down the mountain, and my 'solution' to stop had been seen by ski patrol peoples.. of course, i got to top before them, and again headed for three red triangles, the 'expert' downhill ride.. : )
Unfortunate that on the way down for second time i had the bad luck to see something that i had never seen before! A little bush ran right out in front of me, and trapped my right ski! this was most interesting, because next i was birdman flying through the air, and found myself unable to then move, for somehow I became stuck headfirst in a bank of snow up to my ankles... then the ski patrol slow ski guys pulled me out and strapped me to a wire sled thing.. and towed me to bottom of the mountain.. and then they took my ski pass and told me i had to stay on kiddy slope! Not very funny or happy guys, they did not understand fun, even if they could not go down mountain fast like me!
: )
(maybe it was my clothings that made them mad? Blue Jeans, Field Jacket, and army socks on my hands..
with all of their 'expert' knowledge of ski stuff, seems to me they had not even a little of the fun i had on that day!

Life is Good!


Respected Member
LMAO! That is a great story Klink!

The crowd that I ski and board with would refer to you as a yahoo. That name comes from the sound most new skiers make right before they crash into something. LOL

I have to agree with you, the most important thing in a situation like that is to have fun.

I have been injured many times skiing. Dislocating both my shoulders and a concussion tie for the worst, never broke anything thank God, but I always had fun.


Banned member, the goat does not approve
what puzzle me was why no 'expert' dude was willing
try straight down mountain run...

musta beat sum rekord somewhere for both
speeding ticket

LMAO (was making better time on second run, but for little bush attack ski...)


Active Member
I guess you figured that 3 red triangles must mean extra fun!!
That nasty little bush running out in front of you like that messing up your speed record :evil:

I grew p with lots of snow- can be great fun!!
Great story- thanks for the :D