Hey guys! What is the biggest Panerai? And how big in mm is it? Thanks!
3 3Fingers Getting To Know The Place 19/10/09 78 0 0 12/6/10 #1 Hey guys! What is the biggest Panerai? And how big in mm is it? Thanks!
3 3Fingers Getting To Know The Place 19/10/09 78 0 0 12/6/10 #3 Ok, thanks! Is there any Panerais around 48-50 mm?
D deloreandmc I'm Pretty Popular MULTI ACCOUNT 23/10/09 2,198 5 38 12/6/10 #4 1, love your avatar 2, yeah, there are some 47mm radiomirs, but I think thats as close as you will get
1, love your avatar 2, yeah, there are some 47mm radiomirs, but I think thats as close as you will get
T trksh-bzr Mythical Poster Advisor 25/9/09 9,057 16 38 12/6/10 #5 or 47 mm 127 fiddy or 217 destro..
J J.Prime I'm Pretty Popular Trusted Dealer 11/4/10 1,395 20 38 12/6/10 #7 PAM187 FTW Here is a MM20 on the right for a size comparison. Both are 47mm watches. (the MM20 is very much the same size as any PAM127 or PAM217)
PAM187 FTW Here is a MM20 on the right for a size comparison. Both are 47mm watches. (the MM20 is very much the same size as any PAM127 or PAM217)
T takashi Legendary Member 4/4/06 11,500 10 0 12/6/10 #8 Biggest Panerai would have been the desk clock. To be (not) practical, for a wristwatch it is the big Egi at 60mm. But answering your question, you can have a look at PAM194 too.
Biggest Panerai would have been the desk clock. To be (not) practical, for a wristwatch it is the big Egi at 60mm. But answering your question, you can have a look at PAM194 too.